[buildout] # This file is part of buildout.coredev repository: https://github.com/plone/buildout.coredev # The plone release team is responsible for it, # if you have suggestions, please open an issue at: https://github.com/plone/buildout.coredev/issues extends = https://dist.plone.org/versions/zope-2-13-30-versions.cfg [versions] ################ # Zope overrides docutils = 0.14 # Get support for @security decorators and hotfixes AccessControl = 3.0.14 ExtensionClass = 4.3.0 Acquisition = 4.4.4 # More memory efficient version, Trac #13101 DateTime = 4.2 # other updates Products.BTreeFolder2 = 2.14.0 Missing = 3.2 MultiMapping = 3.1 ZConfig = 3.1.0 zLOG = 3.0 ZopeUndo = 4.3 BTrees = 4.4.1 initgroups = 4.0 # Overrides until ztk is updated coverage = 4.5.4 zdaemon = 4.2.0 transaction = 2.1.2 ZODB = 5.3.0 ZODB3 = 3.11.0 six = 1.10.0 tempstorage = 4.0.1 zc.lockfile = 1.4 zope.app.locales = 3.7.5 zope.browser = 2.1.0 zope.browsermenu = 4.2 zope.browserpage = 4.1.0 zope.browserresource = 4.1.0 zope.component = 4.4.1 zope.contenttype = 4.2.0 zope.deprecation = 4.3.0 zope.dottedname = 4.2 zope.dublincore = 3.7.1 zope.globalrequest = 1.2 zope.i18n = 4.2.0 zope.i18nmessageid = 4.1.0 zope.interface = 4.4.3 zope.minmax = 2.1.0 zope.pagetemplate = 4.2.1 zope.proxy = 4.3.0 zope.publisher = 4.3.2 zope.ramcache = 2.2.0 zope.schema = 4.5.0 zope.security = 4.1.1 zope.traversing = 4.1.0 zope.untrustedpython = 4.0.0 # Support for more complex catalog queries Products.ZCatalog = 3.0.3 ZEO = 5.1.2 zodbpickle = 0.7.0 futures = 3.3.0 python-jose = 1.4.0 trollius = 2.1.post2 persistent = zope.mkzeoinstance = 4.1 ############# # Build Tools # Basics # !! keep in sync with requirements.txt !! setuptools = 42.0.2 zc.buildout = 2.13.3 # recipes and extensions CacheControl = 0.12.6 click = 6.7 collective.recipe.omelette = 0.16 collective.recipe.sphinxbuilder = 1.1 collective.recipe.template = 2.1 incremental = 17.5.0 mr.developer = 1.38 msgpack-python = 0.4.8 plone.recipe.alltests = 1.5.2 plone.recipe.zeoserver = 2.0.3 plone.recipe.zope2instance = 4.4.1 plone.releaser = 1.8.2 plone.versioncheck = 1.7.0 toml = 0.9.6 towncrier = 19.2.0 twine = 1.15.0 z3c.checkversions = 1.1 z3c.ptcompat = 2.0 z3c.template = 2.0.0 zc.recipe.egg = 2.0.7 zest.releaser = 6.21.1 zestreleaser.towncrier = 1.2.0 # testing collective.xmltestreport = 1.3.4 manuel = 1.8.0 mock = 2.0 prompt-toolkit = 1.0.15 wcwidth = 0.2.5 zope.testbrowser = 3.11.1 zope.testrunner = 4.4.4 # Robot Testing plone.app.robotframework = 1.4.0 robotframework = 3.0.4 robotframework-debuglibrary = 1.1.4 robotframework-ride = robotframework-seleniumlibrary = 3.2.0 robotframework-selenium2library = 3.0.0 robotframework-selenium2screenshots = 0.8.1 robotsuite = 2.0.0 selenium = 3.14.1 # i18n Babel = 1.3 i18ndude = 4.4.0 # sphinx documentation imagesize = 0.7.1 Pygments = 2.5.2 snowballstemmer = 1.2.1 Sphinx = 1.6.5 sphinx-rtd-theme = 0.2.4 sphinxcontrib-robotframework = 0.6.1 sphinxcontrib-websupport = 1.0.1 typing = # mentioned in zopetoolkit and outdated there - not sure if we need it at all z3c.recipe.sphinxdoc = 1.1.0 ####################### # External dependencies backports.functools-lru-cache = 1.6.1 certifi = 2020.4.5.1 Chameleon = 2.25 chardet = 3.0.4 colorama = 0.4.3 cssselect = 1.0.3 decorator = 4.1.2 elementtree = 1.2.7-20070827-preview enum34 = 1.1.10 feedparser = 5.2.1 funcsigs = 1.0.2 functools32 = 3.2.3.post2 future = 0.18.2 idna = 2.10 interlude = 1.3.1 Jinja2 = 2.11.2 jsonschema = 2.6.0 lockfile = 0.12.2 lxml = 4.2.6 mailinglogger = 3.8.0 Markdown = 2.6.11 msgpack = 1.0.0 olefile = 0.46 ordereddict = 1.1 pathlib = 1.0.1 piexif = 1.1.3 Pillow = 5.4.1 pyScss = 1.3.7 python-dateutil = 2.7.5 python-gettext = 3.0 pytz = 2017.3 repoze.xmliter = 0.6 requests = 2.24.0 simplejson = 3.17.2 slimit = 0.8.1 tqdm = 4.19.9 urllib3 = 1.25.10 WebOb = 1.7.4 # zope.app.* # parts needed from (but without pulling whole) # https://dist.plone.org/versions/zopetoolkit-1-0-8-zopeapp-versions.cfg roman = 1.4.0 wsgi-intercept = 0.4 zc.sourcefactory = 0.7.0 zope.app.appsetup = 3.14.0 zope.app.container = 3.9.2 zope.app.form = 4.0.2 zope.app.intid = 3.7.1 zope.app.publisher = 3.10.2 zope.app.wsgi = 3.9.3 zope.app.publication = 3.12.0 zope.app.testing = 3.7.8 # Special pins, see annotations argparse = 1.4.0 distribute = 0.7.3 ply = 3.4 Unidecode = 0.04.1 ############### # Plone release borg.localrole = 3.1.8 collective.monkeypatcher = 1.2.1 diazo = 1.4.0 five.customerize = 1.1 five.globalrequest = 1.0 five.intid = 1.1.2 five.localsitemanager = 2.0.6 five.pt = 2.2.5 icalendar = 4.0.7 mockup = 2.7.9 Plone = 5.1.7 plone.alterego = 1.1.5 plone.api = 1.10.3 plone.app.caching = 1.2.23 plone.app.content = 3.5.10 plone.app.contentlisting = 1.3.4 plone.app.contentmenu = 2.3.2 plone.app.contentrules = 4.0.19 plone.app.contenttypes = 1.4.18 plone.app.controlpanel = 3.0.4 plone.app.customerize = 1.3.11 plone.app.dexterity = 2.6.6 plone.app.discussion = 3.0.8 plone.app.event = 3.2.9 plone.app.folder = 1.2.6 plone.app.i18n = 3.0.6 plone.app.intid = 1.1.4 plone.app.iterate = 3.3.15 plone.app.layout = 2.8.5 plone.app.linkintegrity = 3.3.14 plone.app.locales = 5.1.25 plone.app.lockingbehavior = 1.0.7 plone.app.multilingual = 5.2.4 plone.app.portlets = 4.3.4 plone.app.querystring = 1.4.14 plone.app.redirector = 1.3.7 plone.app.registry = 1.7.7 plone.app.testing = 5.0.9 plone.app.textfield = 1.2.11 plone.app.theming = 2.0.5 plone.app.upgrade = 2.0.35 plone.app.users = 2.4.3 plone.app.uuid = 1.2 plone.app.viewletmanager = 2.0.12 plone.app.vocabularies = 4.0.7 plone.app.widgets = 2.4.1 plone.app.workflow = 3.0 plone.app.z3cform = 3.0.10 plone.autoform = 1.9.0 plone.batching = 1.1.6 plone.behavior = 1.4.0 plone.browserlayer = 2.2.4 plone.cachepurging = 1.0.16 plone.caching = 1.2.2 plone.contentrules = 2.1.0 plone.dexterity = 2.6.3 plone.event = 1.4.1 plone.folder = 2.0.2 plone.formwidget.datetime = 1.3.5 plone.formwidget.namedfile = 2.0.11 plone.formwidget.querystring = 1.1.10 plone.formwidget.recurrence = 2.1.4 plone.i18n = 3.0.8 plone.indexer = 1.0.7 plone.intelligenttext = 3.1.0 plone.keyring = 3.1.3 plone.locking = 2.2.4 plone.memoize = 2.1.0 plone.mockup = 1.0 plone.namedfile = 4.3.0 plone.outputfilters = 3.0.5 plone.portlet.collection = 3.3.5 plone.portlet.static = 3.1.6 plone.portlets = 2.3.2 plone.protect = 3.1.5 plone.registry = 1.1.6 plone.reload = 3.0.1 plone.resource = 2.0.2 plone.resourceeditor = 2.1.3 plone.rfc822 = 1.1.4 plone.scale = 3.1.2 plone.schema = 1.2.1 plone.schemaeditor = 2.1.1 plone.session = 3.7.5 plone.stringinterp = 1.3.3 plone.subrequest = 1.8.7 plone.supermodel = 1.5.0 plone.synchronize = 1.0.4 plone.testing = 4.3.3 plone.theme = 3.0.7 plone.transformchain = 2.0.2 plone.uuid = 1.0.6 plone.z3cform = 0.9.2 plonetheme.barceloneta = 2.1.9 Products.CMFCore = 2.2.13 Products.CMFDiffTool = 3.3.2 Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI = 5.0.0 Products.CMFEditions = 3.2.2 Products.CMFFormController = 3.1.5 Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow = 1.7.6 Products.CMFPlone = 5.1.7 Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool = 3.0.16 Products.CMFUid = 2.2.2 Products.contentmigration = 2.1.19 Products.DateRecurringIndex = 2.1 Products.DCWorkflow = 2.2.5 Products.ExtendedPathIndex = 3.4.2 Products.ExternalEditor = 1.1.3 Products.GenericSetup = 1.8.11 Products.isurlinportal = 1.1.1 Products.MimetypesRegistry = 2.1.8 Products.PlacelessTranslationService = 2.0.7 Products.PloneLanguageTool = 3.2.10 Products.PlonePAS = 5.1.1 Products.PloneTestCase = 0.9.18 Products.PluggableAuthService = 1.11.3 Products.PluginRegistry = 1.4.1 Products.PortalTransforms = 3.1.10 Products.ResourceRegistries = 3.0.8 Products.SecureMailHost = 1.1.2 Products.statusmessages = 5.0.5 Products.ZopeVersionControl = 1.1.4 Products.ZSQLMethods = 2.13.6 sourcecodegen = 0.6.14 z3c.autoinclude = 0.4.0 z3c.caching = 2.0a1 z3c.form = 3.6 z3c.formwidget.query = 0.17 z3c.pt = 3.3.0 z3c.zcmlhook = 1.0b1 # Archetypes (part of core, listed separate b/c of planned removal for 6.0) archetypes.referencebrowserwidget = 2.5.11 archetypes.schemaextender = 2.1.8 plone.app.blob = 1.7.5 plone.app.collection = 1.2.8 plone.app.imaging = 2.0.8 Products.Archetypes = 1.15.8 Products.ATContentTypes = 2.3.9 Products.Marshall = 2.3 Products.TinyMCE = 1.4.3 Products.validation = 2.1.3 # old theme of Plone 4.x series plonetheme.sunburst = 1.5.5 ######################################### # Ecosystem (not officially part of core) collective.js.jqueryui = 2.1.6 collective.transmogrifier = 1.5.2 collective.z3cform.datagridfield = 1.4.0 collective.z3cform.datagridfield-demo = 0.6 collective.z3cform.datetimewidget = 1.2.9 martian = 0.15 plone.app.debugtoolbar = 1.2.2 plone.app.relationfield = 1.4.3 plone.app.transmogrifier = 1.4.2 plone.app.versioningbehavior = 1.4.1 plone.formwidget.autocomplete = 1.2.11 plone.formwidget.contenttree = 1.0.16 transmogrify.dexterity = 1.6.4 z3c.batching = 2.2 z3c.blobfile = 0.1.5 z3c.jbot = 0.8 z3c.objpath = 1.1 z3c.relationfield = 0.9.0 z3c.unconfigure = 1.0.1 zc.queue = 1.3 zc.relation = 1.0 # Archetypes related archetypes.multilingual = 3.0.8 plone.app.referenceablebehavior = 0.7.8 # old: ldap plugin plone.app.ldap = 1.4.4 # old: openid support plone.app.openid = 2.2.3 plone.openid = 2.0.5 python-openid = 2.2.5 # New: Mosaic and related keep in sync with: # https://github.com/plone/plone.app.mosaic/blob/2.1.x/versions.cfg plone.app.blocks = 4.1.2.post5 plone.app.drafts = 1.1.2 plone.app.mosaic = 2.1.1 plone.app.standardtiles = 2.3.2 plone.app.tiles = 3.2.0 plone.tiles = 2.3.0 plone.jsonserializer = 0.9.6 # Old: grok related five.grok = 1.3.2 five.formlib = 1.0.4 grokcore.annotation = 1.6 grokcore.component = 2.7 grokcore.formlib = 1.9 grokcore.security = 1.6.3 grokcore.site = 1.8 grokcore.view = 2.11 grokcore.viewlet = 1.11 plone.directives.dexterity = 1.0.2 plone.directives.form = 2.0.3 plone.directives.tiles = 1.2 [versionannotations] # keep this alphabetical please argparse = Next are only needed for Python < 2.7 but the zope toolkit. Pin is outdated, so let's pin a newer one, just in case. babel = It is required by plone.app.robotframework and sphinx. With babel 2.0 major changes were introduced. Needs detailed check if update is possible. certifi = certifi 2020.4.5.2 no longer claims Python 2 compatibility. check-manifest = check-manifest 0.42 drops Python 2 compatibility collective.z3cform.datagridfield = Version 1.5 introduces Plone 5.2 and Python 3 compatibility. So there could be issues which need more thorough checks. configparser = Version 5.0.0 is for Python 3 only. distribute = We dont use distribute (outdated fork of setuptools), buts its pinned in zope tookit. So update to latest legacy package, which is a simple compatibility layer that installs Setuptools 0.7+ five.intid = Version 1.2.0 is incompatible with Zope 2.13, at least in the tests. plone.jsonserializer = Version 0.9.7 till 0.9.10 seem to have only Python 3 and Zope 4 compatibility changes. ply = stick to older ply 3.4, see https://github.com/dabeaz/ply/issues/82 PyGithub = From 1.46 onwards for Python 3 only. setuptools = Version 44.0.0 is the last to support Python 2.7. We could use that. But on Plone 5.2 we have been using 42.0.2, so we may want to stick to that. six = jenkins has failures with 1.11.0 - needs investigations. twine = Version 1.15.0 is the last to support Python 2.7. wadllib = Version 1.3.4 only contains Python 3.8/3.9 changes. Unidecode = Unidecode 0.04.{2-9} break tests z3c.form = 3.6 is the last release with ObjectSubForm (we use it), which is gone in 4.x. But all below 3.6 can not be used, because semantic versioning was broken in this package, see https://pypi.org/project/z3c.form/3.6/#id13 z3c.ptcompat = Version 2.1.0 and 2.2.0 have only changes for compatibility with Python 3 versions. z3c.unconfigure = 1.1 needs a newer configuration and can not be used with Plone 5.1. ZConfig = 3.2.0 causes in https://github.com/plone/Products.CMFPlone/issues/2156 - we stick to 3.1.0 for now. zope.app.container = Some addons need it, so pin this to the last non-Zope4 version. zope.app.form = This package is not used in core anymore, but many addons are depending on it. It's latest release is not compatible with Plone. zope.app.testing = This package is not used in core anymore, but many addons are depending on it. It's latest release is not compatible with Plone. zope.globalrequest = Pin to 1.2, because 1.3 needs zope.testbrowser>=5.0