[buildout] # This file is part of buildout.coredev repository: https://github.com/plone/buildout.coredev # The plone release team is responsible for it, # if you have suggestions, please open an issue at: https://github.com/plone/buildout.coredev/issues extends = https://dist.plone.org/versions/zope-2-13-26-versions.cfg [versions] ################ # Zope overrides docutils = 0.14 # Get support for @security decorators AccessControl = 3.0.13 ExtensionClass = 4.3.0 Acquisition = 4.4.2 # More memory efficient version, Trac #13101 DateTime = 4.2 # other updates Products.BTreeFolder2 = 2.14.0 Missing = 3.2 MultiMapping = 3.1 ZConfig = 3.1.0 zLOG = 3.0 ZopeUndo = 4.2 BTrees = 4.4.1 initgroups = 3.0 # Overrides until ztk is updated coverage = 4.4.1 zdaemon = 4.2.0 transaction = 2.1.2 ZODB = 5.3.0 ZODB3 = 3.11.0 six = 1.10.0 tempstorage = 4.0 zc.lockfile = 1.2.1 zope.app.locales = 3.7.5 zope.browser = 2.1.0 zope.browsermenu = 4.2 zope.browserpage = 4.1.0 zope.browserresource = 4.1.0 zope.component = 4.4.1 zope.contenttype = 4.2.0 zope.globalrequest = 1.2 zope.i18n = 4.2.0 zope.i18nmessageid = 4.1.0 zope.interface = 4.4.2 zope.minmax = 2.1.0 zope.pagetemplate = 4.2.1 zope.proxy = 4.3.0 zope.publisher = 4.3.2 zope.schema = 4.5.0 zope.security = 4.1.1 zope.traversing = 4.1.0 zope.untrustedpython = 4.0.0 # Support for more complex catalog queries Products.ZCatalog = 3.0.2 Zope2 = 2.13.26 ZEO = 5.1.0 zodbpickle = 0.6.0 futures = 3.1.1 python-jose = 1.4.0 trollius = 2.1 persistent = zope.mkzeoinstance = 4.1 ############# # Build Tools # Basics # !! keep in sync with requirements.txt !! setuptools = 33.1.1 zc.buildout = 2.9.4 # recipes and extensions CacheControl = 0.12.3 collective.recipe.omelette = 0.16 collective.recipe.sphinxbuilder = 1.0 collective.recipe.template = 2.0 mr.developer = 1.38 msgpack-python = 0.4.8 plone.recipe.alltests = 1.5 plone.recipe.zeoserver = 1.4.0 plone.recipe.zope2instance = 4.3 plone.releaser = 1.5.4 plone.versioncheck = 1.6.5 twine = 1.9.1 z3c.checkversions = 0.5 z3c.ptcompat = 2.0 z3c.template = 2.0.0 zc.recipe.egg = 2.0.4 zest.releaser = 6.12.4 # testing collective.xmltestreport = 1.3.4 manuel = 1.8.0 mock = 2.0 zope.testbrowser = 3.11.1 zope.testrunner = 4.4.4 # Robot Testing plone.app.robotframework = 1.1.1 robotframework = 3.0.2 robotframework-debuglibrary = 0.8 robotframework-ride = robotframework-selenium2library = 1.8.0 robotframework-selenium2screenshots = 0.7.2 robotsuite = 2.0.0 selenium = 2.53.6 # i18n Babel = 1.3 i18ndude = 4.3 # sphinx documentation imagesize = 0.7.1 Pygments = 2.2.0 snowballstemmer = 1.2.1 Sphinx = 1.6.3 sphinx-rtd-theme = 0.2.4 sphinxcontrib-robotframework = 0.6.1 sphinxcontrib-websupport = 1.0.1 typing = 3.6.2 # mentioned in zopetoolkit and outdated there - not sure if we need it at all z3c.recipe.sphinxdoc = 1.1.0 ####################### # External dependencies certifi = 2017.7.27.1 Chameleon = 2.25 cssselect = 1.0.1 decorator = 4.1.2 elementtree = 1.2.7-20070827-preview enum34 = 1.1.6 feedparser = 5.2.1 funcsigs = 1.0.2 future = 0.16.0 interlude = 1.3.1 Jinja2 = 2.9.6 lxml = 4.0.0 mailinglogger = 3.8.0 Markdown = 2.6.9 nt-svcutils = 2.13.0 olefile = 0.44 ordereddict = 1.1 pathlib = 1.0.1 piexif = 1.0.13 Pillow = 4.2.1 pyScss = 1.3.5 python-dateutil = 2.6.1 python-gettext = 3.0 pytz = 2017.2 repoze.xmliter = 0.6 requests = 2.18.4 simplejson = 3.11.1 slimit = 0.8.1 tqdm = 4.15.0 urllib3 = 1.22 WebOb = 1.7.3 # zope.app.* # parts needed from (but without pulling whole) # https://dist.plone.org/versions/zopetoolkit-1-0-8-zopeapp-versions.cfg roman = 1.4.0 wsgi-intercept = 0.4 zc.sourcefactory = 0.7.0 zope.app.appsetup = 3.14.0 zope.app.container = 3.9.2 zope.app.form = 4.0.2 zope.app.intid = 3.7.1 zope.app.publisher = 3.10.2 zope.app.wsgi = 3.9.3 zope.app.publication = 3.12.0 zope.app.testing = 3.7.8 # Special pins, see annotations argparse = 1.4.0 distribute = 0.7.3 ply = 3.4 Unidecode = 0.04.1 ############### # Plone release borg.localrole = 3.1.3 collective.monkeypatcher = 1.1.2 diazo = 1.2.8 five.customerize = 1.1 five.globalrequest = 1.0 five.intid = 1.1.2 five.localsitemanager = 2.0.6 five.pt = 2.2.4 icalendar = 3.11.7 mockup = 2.6.0 Plone = 5.1rc1 plone.alterego = 1.1.1 plone.api = 1.8 plone.app.caching = 1.2.18 plone.app.content = 3.4.4 plone.app.contentlisting = 1.3.1 plone.app.contentmenu = 2.2.2 plone.app.contentrules = 4.0.17 plone.app.contenttypes = 1.4.3 plone.app.controlpanel = 3.0.4 plone.app.customerize = 1.3.7 plone.app.dexterity = 2.4.6 plone.app.discussion = 3.0.3 plone.app.event = 3.0.6 plone.app.folder = 1.2.3 plone.app.i18n = 3.0.4 plone.app.intid = 1.1.3 plone.app.iterate = 3.3.5 plone.app.layout = 2.7.4 plone.app.linkintegrity = 3.3.2 plone.app.locales = 5.1.3 plone.app.lockingbehavior = 1.0.5 plone.app.multilingual = 5.1.2 plone.app.portlets = 4.3.1 plone.app.querystring = 1.4.6 plone.app.redirector = 1.3.5 plone.app.registry = 1.6.1 plone.app.testing = 5.0.7 plone.app.textfield = 1.2.9 plone.app.theming = 2.0.1 plone.app.upgrade = 2.0.8 plone.app.users = 2.4 plone.app.uuid = 1.2 plone.app.viewletmanager = 2.0.10 plone.app.vocabularies = 4.0.4 plone.app.widgets = 2.2.2 plone.app.workflow = 3.0 plone.app.z3cform = 3.0.2 plone.autoform = 1.7.3 plone.batching = 1.1.2 plone.behavior = 1.2.0 plone.browserlayer = 2.2.0 plone.cachepurging = 1.0.13 plone.caching = 1.1.2 plone.contentrules = 2.0.6 plone.dexterity = 2.5.2 plone.event = 1.3.4 plone.folder = 1.0.9 plone.formwidget.datetime = 1.3.1 plone.formwidget.namedfile = 2.0.4 plone.formwidget.querystring = 1.1.10 plone.formwidget.recurrence = 2.1.1 plone.i18n = 3.0.7 plone.indexer = 1.0.4 plone.intelligenttext = 2.2 plone.keyring = 3.0.2 plone.locking = 2.2 plone.memoize = 1.2.1 plone.mockup = 1.0 plone.namedfile = 4.2.3 plone.outputfilters = 3.0.3 plone.portlet.collection = 3.2 plone.portlet.static = 3.1.1 plone.portlets = 2.3 plone.protect = 3.1.1 plone.registry = 1.1.2 plone.reload = 2.0.2 plone.resource = 1.2.1 plone.resourceeditor = 2.1 plone.rfc822 = 1.1.3 plone.scale = 2.2 plone.schema = 1.0.0 plone.schemaeditor = 2.0.18 plone.session = 3.6.1 plone.stringinterp = 1.2.1 plone.subrequest = 1.8.4 plone.supermodel = 1.3.3 plone.synchronize = 1.0.2 plone.testing = 4.3.1 plone.theme = 3.0.3 plone.transformchain = 1.2.1 plone.uuid = 1.0.4 plone.z3cform = 0.9.1 plonetheme.barceloneta = 1.7.4 Products.CMFCore = 2.2.12 Products.CMFDiffTool = 3.1.4 Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI = 4.1.5 Products.CMFEditions = 3.1 Products.CMFFormController = 3.1.4 Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow = 1.7.3 Products.CMFPlone = 5.1rc1 Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool = 3.0.15 Products.CMFUid = 2.2.2 Products.contentmigration = 2.1.17 Products.DateRecurringIndex = 2.1 Products.DCWorkflow = 2.2.5 Products.ExtendedPathIndex = 3.2.0 Products.ExternalEditor = 1.1.3 Products.GenericSetup = 1.8.8 Products.MimetypesRegistry = 2.1.1 Products.PlacelessTranslationService = 2.0.7 Products.PloneLanguageTool = 3.2.9 Products.PlonePAS = 5.0.14 Products.PloneTestCase = 0.9.18 Products.PluggableAuthService = 1.11.0 Products.PluginRegistry = 1.4 Products.PortalTransforms = 3.1 Products.ResourceRegistries = 3.0.5 Products.SecureMailHost = 1.1.2 Products.statusmessages = 5.0 Products.ZopeVersionControl = 1.1.3 Products.ZSQLMethods = 2.13.5 sourcecodegen = 0.6.14 z3c.autoinclude = 0.3.7 z3c.caching = 2.0a1 z3c.form = 3.2.11 z3c.formwidget.query = 0.15 z3c.pt = 3.0.0a1 z3c.zcmlhook = 1.0b1 # Archetypes (part of core, listed separate b/c of planned removal for 6.0) archetypes.referencebrowserwidget = 2.5.9 archetypes.schemaextender = 2.1.7 plone.app.blob = 1.7.2 plone.app.collection = 1.2.4 plone.app.imaging = 2.0.6 Products.Archetypes = 1.14.2 Products.ATContentTypes = 2.3.6 Products.Marshall = 2.2.1 Products.TinyMCE = 1.4.3 Products.validation = 2.1 # old theme of Plone 4.x series plonetheme.sunburst = 1.5.3 ######################################### # Ecosystem (not officially part of core) collective.js.jqueryui = 2.0.1 collective.z3cform.datagridfield = 1.2 collective.z3cform.datetimewidget = 1.2.8 martian = 0.15 plone.app.debugtoolbar = 1.1.3 plone.app.relationfield = 1.3.5 plone.app.stagingbehavior = 0.1 plone.app.versioningbehavior = 1.3.1 plone.formwidget.autocomplete = 1.2.11 plone.formwidget.contenttree = 1.0.15 z3c.batching = 2.1.0 z3c.blobfile = 0.1.5 z3c.jbot = 0.7.2 z3c.objpath = 1.1 z3c.relationfield = 0.7 z3c.unconfigure = 1.1 zc.queue = 1.3 zc.relation = 1.0 # Archetypes related archetypes.multilingual = 3.0.5 plone.app.referenceablebehavior = 0.7.7 # old: ldap plugin plone.app.ldap = 1.4.1 # old: openid support plone.app.openid = 2.2.2 plone.openid = 2.0.4 python-openid = 2.2.5 # New: Mosaic and related plone.app.blocks = 4.1.0 plone.app.drafts = 1.1.2 plone.app.mosaic = 2.0rc5 plone.app.standardtiles = 2.2.0 plone.app.tiles = 3.0.3 plone.tiles = 2.0.0b2 # Old: grok related five.grok = 1.3.2 grokcore.annotation = 1.6 grokcore.component = 2.7 grokcore.formlib = 1.11 grokcore.security = 1.6.3 grokcore.site = 1.8 grokcore.view = 2.11 grokcore.viewlet = 1.11 plone.directives.dexterity = 1.0.2 plone.directives.form = 2.0.3 [versionannotations] # keep this alphabetical please argparse = Next are only needed for Python < 2.7 but the zope toolkit. Pin is outdated, so let's pin a newer one, just in case. babel = It is required by plone.app.robotframework and sphinx. With babel 2.0 major changes were introduced. Needs detailed check if update is possible. distribute = We dont use distribute (outdated fork of setuptools), buts its pinned in zope tookit. So update to latest legacy package, which is a simple compatibility layer that installs Setuptools 0.7+ ply = stick to older ply 3.4, see https://github.com/dabeaz/ply/issues/82 setuptools = Use last version w/o extra dependencies, see https://github.com/plone/buildout.coredev/pull/329 six = jenkins has failures with 1.11.0 - needs investigations. Unidecode = Unidecode 0.04.{2-9} break tests ZConfig = 3.2.0 causes in https://github.com/plone/Products.CMFPlone/issues/2156 - we stick to 3.1.0 for now. zope.app.container = Some addons need it, so pin this to the last non-Zope4 version. zope.app.form = This package is not used in core anymore, but many addons are depending on it. It's latest release is not compatible with Plone. zope.app.testing = This package is not used in core anymore, but many addons are depending on it. It's latest release is not compatible with Plone. zope.globalrequest = Pin to 1.2, because 1.3 needs zope.testbrowser>=5.0