collective.recipe.omelette: 1.0.0 → 1.1.0 ----------------------------------------- - Fix 2to3 old setuptools hook [goschtl] - mordernize to python3 code [goschtl] - update to new zope.testing [goschtl] - use pytest and tox [goschtl] - Note: tested on Python 2.7 and 3.6-3.10. plone.releaser: 1.8.4 → 1.8.5 ----------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix InterpolationMissingOptionError when parsing coredev 6.0 sources. [maurits] (#42) zest.releaser: 6.22.1 → 7.0.0a1 ------------------------------- Plone: 6.0.0a1 → 6.0.0a2 ------------------------ Bug fixes: - Release 6.0.0a2. [maurits] 3.0.0a8 → 3.0.0a10 ------------------------------------- New features: - When purging images also purge the field WITHOUT a size parameter (e.g. ``[...]/@@images/image``). [wolbernd] (#89) Bug fixes: - Remove translations endpoint test because it does not have the correct fixture [sneridagh] (#87) 4.0.0a7 → 4.0.0a8 ------------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Adapt the tests to cope with the fact the since Plone 6 the Plone site root is cataloged [ale-rt] (#236) 2.0.4 → 2.0.5 --------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Adapt the tests for Plone 6 [ale-rt] (#39) 3.0.0a4 → 3.0.0a5 ----------------------------------------- Breaking changes: - Remove atcontenttypes dependencies, migration, keep BaseClassMigratorForm. [agitator] (#620) - Remove (ATCT) BBB view name registrations. [agitator] (#621) Bug fixes: - Adapt the tests to cope with the fact the since Plone 6 the Plone site root is cataloged [ale-rt] (#616) - Fixed typo in test 'constraints' -> 'constrains'. [iham] (#619) (#619) - Use document_view as default for dx site root. [agitator] (#624) 3.0.0a3 → 3.0.0a4 -------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Rename "Dexterity Content Types" to just "Content Types" [timo] (#331) - Fix broken test for [agitator] (#333) 4.0.0a4 → 4.0.0a5 ----------------------------------- Breaking changes: - Move most (hard dependency) portlet related to ``: Dashboard, Portlet related viewlets. A first step towards a Portlet-as-an-Addon story. [jensens] (#268) - Remove long deprecated ``getIcon``` from layout-policy. [jensens] (#270) Bug fixes: - Fix breadcrumb id. [agitator] (#267) - Micro optimizations at visibility in layoutpolicy [jensens] (#271) 6.0 → 6.0.1 ------------------------------ - Rename Dexterity Content Types to Content Types in en and de [tisto] - Complete eu translation. [erral] 5.0.0a6 → 5.0.0a7 ------------------------------------- Breaking changes: - Move most (hard dependency) portlet related from ``: Dashboard, Portlet related viewlets. A first step towards a Portlet-as-an-Addon story. [jensens] (#160) 1.3.5 → 1.3.6 ---------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix usage of wysiwyg editor settings from portal_properties to registry [duchenean, gotcha] (#45) 5.0.0a3 → 5.0.0a4 ------------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Add missing i18n:translate tags [erral] (#204) 2.0.41 → 3.0.0a1 ----------------------------------- Breaking changes: - Removed upgrade steps from Plone 5.1 and lower. You can only migrate to Plone 6 from a site that is already Python 3, so Plone 5.2. [maurits] (#227) Bug fixes: - Index the Plone site root (#264) - Added upgrade to 6002, Plone 6.0.0a2. [maurits] (#6002) 4.0.0a3 → 4.0.0a4 ------------------------------------ New features: - Enable multiple wysiwyg editors (use default editor registry setting) [duchenean, gotcha] (#45) - Enable formautofocus for Plone forms. Allow disabling for specific forms with ``enable_autofocus = False``. [jmevissen] (#135) plone.dexterity: 2.10.4 → 2.10.5 -------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Incorporate ``plone.synchronize`` its one and only simple ``synchronized`` function into ``plone.dexterity``, which were the only consumer. Also moves the test. Removes a dependency and a package to look after. [jensens] (#157) - Avoid setting a default value on methods. If a Schema Interface has a method in it, i.e. to be used as a constraint for another field, etc. the `default_from_schema` function would trip over it while trying to get a default value for it. [gforcada, jensens] (#158) - Fixes schema name generated in Python 2. [wesleybl] (#159) plone.restapi: 8.12.1 → 8.16.2 ------------------------------ New features: - Enable table blocks indexing [cekk] (#1281) - Return non-batched vocabularies given a query param ``b_size=-1`` [sneridagh] (#1264) - Add root (INavigationRoot) for the current object information in @translations endpoint [sneridagh] (#1263) - Implement IJSONSummarySerializerMetadata allowing addons to extend the metadata returned by Summary serializer. [ericof] (#1250) - Enable usage of metadata_fields also for POST calls [cekk] (#1253) Bug fixes: - Revert "Improve support for missing_value and default story" because it breaks multilingual [timo] (#1289) - Improve support and meaning for `default` and `missing_value` in serializers/deserializers [sneridagh] (#1282) - Types service: Do not consider TypeSchemaContext as a valid context [ericof] (#1278) - Improve error status code in vocabularies endpoint refactor [sneridagh] (#1284) - Adjust restrictions of vocabularies endpoint [ksuess] (#1258) - Fix schema generation when /@types/ is used in a context. [ericof] (#1271) - Remove all traces of ``Products.CMFQuickInstaller``. It was removed in Plone 5.2. BBB code was in ```` only. Plone with Restapi broke if ``` was not available, like when dependening on ``Products.CMFPlone`` only. [jensens] (#1267) - Fix installation of JWT PAS plugin with default profile. [jensens] (#1269) plone.volto: 3.1.0a2 → 3.1.0a6 ------------------------------ - Update German translations [timo] - Fix translation files [cekk, timo] - Use plone/setup-plone github action. [ericof] - Initial support and tests using Github Actions for Plone with pip installations. [ericof] - Remove ``jq`` from dependencies and remove old ```` script. [ericof] - Remove ``z3c.jbot`` from dependencies [ericof] - Remove ``requests`` from dependencies [ericof] plonetheme.barceloneta: 3.0.0a6 → 3.0.0a8 ----------------------------------------- New features: - Refactored the scss for the alerts. [klye] (#250) - Make loading of webfont optional. Move Barceloneta specific styles out of base.scss. Update to Bootstrap 5.1.3. [agitator] (#253) Bug fixes: - Remove unused IBarcelonetaLayer. [agitator] (#254) - Add print styles. Disable important for utility classes. Enable negative margin utility classes. [agitator] (#255) - event listing datecard style [petschki] (#252) Products.CMFPlone: 6.0.0a1 → 6.0.0a2 ------------------------------------ Breaking changes: - PLIP 3339: Replace ``z3c.autoinclude`` with ``plone.autoinclude``. Note: ``includeDependencies`` is no longer supported. [maurits, tschorr] (#3339) New features: - On Zope root, create Volto site by default. [maurits] (#3344) Bug fixes: - Move prefs_error_log* from skins to browser views [jmevissen] (#3241) - The Plone site root is cataloged (#3314) - Fix #3323DX-Site-Root: ZMI Nav-Tree is no longer expandable. [jensens] (#3323) - Fixes #3337: Remove dead code that wont work in Py 3 anyway if called (cmp). [jensens] (#3337) - Remove DYNAMIC_CONTENT from translation files [erral] (#3342) - Remove adapter for index location. [wesleybl] (#3347) - Use document_view as default for site root. [agitator] (#3354) - Add missing lxml dependency [MrTango] (#3356) - Fixes #3352 - dependency indirection on [jensens] (#3357) - In Portal: use security decorators [jensens] (#3366) - Updated metadata version to 6002. [maurits] (#6002) Products.GenericSetup: 2.1.4 → 2.1.5 ------------------------------------ - Fix #114: Problems using ZMI on multi-instance clusters due to instable hash key. (`#114 `_) - Move several tabs to Zope 4+ ZMI-markup standard. [jensens] 1.4.3 → 1.4.4 ------------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix tests on Python 2 with newer plone.dexterity using repr for the schema. [wesleybl] (#60) httplib2: 0.19.1 → 0.20.2 ------------------------- tomli: 1.2.1 → 1.2.2 --------------------