[buildout] # This file is part of buildout.coredev repository: https://github.com/plone/buildout.coredev # The plone release team is responsible for it, # if you have suggestions, please open an issue at: https://github.com/plone/buildout.coredev/issues # Based on latest development Zope: # extends = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zopefoundation/Zope/master/versions.cfg # Based on released Zope: extends = https://zopefoundation.github.io/Zope/releases/5.3/versions.cfg [versions] # Zope master versions which are newer than 5.3: Jinja2 = 3.0.3 Pygments = 2.10.0 Sphinx = 4.3.0 backports.entry-points-selectable = 1.1.1 beautifulsoup4 = 4.10.0 bleach = 4.1.0 certifi = 2021.10.8 cffi = 1.15.0 charset-normalizer = 2.0.7 cmarkgfm = 0.6.0 configparser = 5.1.0 contextlib2 = 21.6.0 coverage = 6.1.2 distlib = 0.3.3 docutils = 0.17 filelock = 3.4.0 idna = 3.3 imagesize = 1.3.0 importlib-metadata = 4.8.2 keyring = 23.2.1 lxml = 4.6.4 more-itertools = 8.11.0 packaging = 21.3 pathlib2 = 2.3.6 # pip = 21.3.1 pkginfo = 1.8.1 platformdirs = 2.4.0 pluggy = 1.0.0 py = 1.11.0 pycparser = 2.21 pyparsing = 3.0.6 readme-renderer = 30.0 requests = 2.26.0 snowballstemmer = 2.2.0 soupsieve = 2.3.1 sphinx-rtd-theme = 1.0.0 tox = 3.24.4 tqdm = 4.62.3 twine = 3.6.0 urllib3 = 1.26.7 virtualenv = 20.10.0 wheel = 0.37.0 # zest.releaser = 6.22.2 zipp = 3.6.0 ############################################################################## # Build Tools # Basics # !! keep in sync with requirements.txt !! setuptools = 54.0.0 zc.buildout = 3.0.0b2 pip = 21.0.1 # windows specific nt-svcutils = 2.13.0 # recipes and extensions buildout.requirements = 0.2.2 cachecontrol = 0.12.6 click = 8.0.1 click-default-group = 1.2.2 collective.recipe.omelette = 1.1.0 collective.recipe.vscode = 0.1.7 Genshi = 0.7.5 incremental = 21.3.0 plone.recipe.alltests = 1.5.2 plone.recipe.precompiler = 0.7.2 plone.recipe.zeoserver = 2.0.3 plone.recipe.zope2instance = 6.10.2 plone.releaser = 1.8.5 plone.versioncheck = 1.7.0 python-dotenv = 0.19.0 towncrier = 19.2.0 z3c.template = 3.1.0 zest.releaser = 7.0.0a1 zestreleaser.towncrier = 1.2.0 ZopeUndo = 4.3 # testing collective.MockMailHost = 2.0.0 collective.xmltestreport = 2.0.2 # Robot Testing plone.app.robotframework = 2.0.0a1 robotframework = 3.1.2 robotframework-python3 = 2.9 robotframework-debuglibrary = 1.2.1 robotframework-ride = robotframework-seleniumlibrary = 3.3.1 robotframework-selenium2library = 3.0.0 robotframework-selenium2screenshots = 0.8.1 robotsuite = 2.2.1 selenium = 3.141.0 # i18n i18ndude = 5.4.1 msgpack = 0.6.2 ############################################################################## # Zope world dependencies # Plone dependencies on other Zope packages not part of the Zope release Products.ExternalMethod = 4.5 Products.MailHost = 4.11 Products.PythonScripts = 4.13 Products.StandardCacheManagers = 4.1.1 Products.ZODBMountPoint = 1.2 zc.relation = 1.1.post2 zc.sourcefactory = 1.1 ZODB3 = 3.11.0 zope.app.intid = 3.7.1 zope.app.locales = 4.1 zope.copy = 4.2 zope.copypastemove = 4.1.0 zope.dublincore = 4.3.0 zope.intid = 4.4.0 zope.keyreference = 4.2.0 zope.mkzeoinstance = 4.1 zope.password = 4.3.1 # Newer versions than from the current Zope 5.x. Remove after Zope updates it. zope.i18n = 4.8.0 Products.ZCatalog = 6.1 # Older versions than from the current Zope 5.x. Remove after problems solved. zope.component = 4.6.2 ############################################################################## # External dependencies calmjs.parse = 1.2.5 cssselect = 1.1.0 decorator = 5.0.9 enum34 = 1.1.10 feedparser = 6.0.8 functools32 = 3.2.3.post2 futures = 3.3.0 interlude = 1.3.1 jsonschema = 3.2.0 lockfile = 0.12.2 markdown = 3.3.4 olefile = 0.46 ordereddict = 1.1 pathlib = 1.0.1 piexif = 1.1.3 pillow = 8.3.1 pyjwt = 1.7.1 pyrsistent = 0.18.0 pyscss = 1.3.7 python-dateutil = 2.8.2 repoze.xmliter = 0.6 sgmllib3k = 1.0.0 simplejson = 3.17.3 # Special pins, see annotations ply = 3.11 unidecode = 1.2.0 ############################################################################## # Plone release borg.localrole = 3.1.8 collective.folderishtypes = 3.0.0 collective.monkeypatcher = 1.2.1 diazo = 1.4.1 five.customerize = 2.0.1 five.intid = 1.2.6 icalendar = 4.0.9 jq = 1.2.1 mockup = 4.0.2 Plone = 6.0.0a2 plone.alterego = 1.1.5 plone.api = 2.0.0a2 plone.app.caching = 3.0.0a10 plone.app.content = 4.0.0a8 plone.app.contentlisting = 2.0.5 plone.app.contentmenu = 2.3.4 plone.app.contentrules = 5.0.0a2 plone.app.contenttypes = 3.0.0a5 plone.app.customerize = 1.3.11 plone.app.dexterity = 3.0.0a4 plone.app.discussion = 4.0.0a3 plone.app.event = 4.0.0a7 plone.app.i18n = 3.0.6 plone.app.intid = 1.1.4 plone.app.iterate = 4.0.2 plone.app.layout = 4.0.0a5 plone.app.linkintegrity = 3.4.1 plone.app.locales = 6.0.1 plone.app.lockingbehavior = 1.0.7 plone.app.multilingual = 6.0.0a5 plone.app.portlets = 5.0.0a7 plone.app.querystring = 1.4.15 plone.app.redirector = 2.2.1 plone.app.registry = 2.0.0a5 plone.app.testing = 6.1.9 plone.app.textfield = 1.3.6 plone.app.theming = 5.0.0a4 plone.app.upgrade = 3.0.0a1 plone.app.users = 3.0.0a4 plone.app.uuid = 2.0.2 plone.app.viewletmanager = 3.1.2 plone.app.vocabularies = 4.3.0 plone.app.widgets = 3.0.6 plone.app.workflow = 5.0.0a2 plone.app.z3cform = 4.0.0a4 plone.autoform = 1.9.0 plone.autoinclude = 1.0.0a3 plone.batching = 2.0.0a1 plone.behavior = 1.4.0 plone.browserlayer = 2.2.4 plone.cachepurging = 2.0.3 plone.caching = 1.2.2 plone.contentrules = 2.1.2 plone.dexterity = 2.10.5 plone.event = 1.4.1 plone.folder = 3.1.0 plone.formwidget.namedfile = 3.0.0a4 plone.formwidget.querystring = 1.1.10 plone.formwidget.recurrence = 2.1.5 plone.i18n = 5.0.0a3 plone.indexer = 1.0.7 plone.intelligenttext = 3.1.0 plone.keyring = 3.1.3 plone.locking = 2.2.5 plone.memoize = 2.1.1 plone.mockup = 1.0 plone.namedfile = 5.5.1 plone.outputfilters = 4.0.2 plone.portlet.collection = 4.0.0a2 plone.portlet.static = 4.0.0a1 plone.portlets = 2.3.2 plone.protect = 4.1.6 plone.registry = 1.2.1 plone.reload = 3.0.2 plone.resource = 2.1.4 plone.rest = 2.0.0a1 plone.restapi = 8.16.2 plone.resourceeditor = 3.0.3 plone.rfc822 = 2.0.2 plone.scale = 3.1.2 plone.schema = 1.3.0 plone.schemaeditor = 3.0.3 plone.session = 3.7.5 plone.staticresources = 2.0.0a2 plone.stringinterp = 1.3.3 plone.subrequest = 1.9.3 plone.supermodel = 1.6.4 plone.testing = 8.0.3 plone.theme = 3.0.7 plone.transformchain = 2.0.2 plone.uuid = 1.0.6 plone.volto = 3.1.0a6 plone.z3cform = 2.0.0a1 plonetheme.barceloneta = 3.0.0a8 Products.CMFCore = 2.5.4 Products.CMFDiffTool = 3.3.3 Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI = 6.0.3 Products.CMFEditions = 4.0.0a1 Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow = 2.0.4 Products.CMFPlone = 6.0.0a2 Products.CMFUid = 3.2.0 Products.contentmigration = 2.2.1 Products.DateRecurringIndex = 3.0.1 Products.DCWorkflow = 2.5.0 Products.ExtendedPathIndex = 4.0.1 Products.ExternalEditor = 3.0.1 Products.GenericSetup = 2.1.5 Products.isurlinportal = 1.2.1 Products.MimetypesRegistry = 2.1.8 Products.PlonePAS = 7.0.0a1 Products.PloneTestCase = 0.9.18 Products.PluggableAuthService = 2.6.4 Products.PluginRegistry = 1.9 Products.PortalTransforms = 3.1.12 Products.SecureMailHost = 1.1.2 Products.Sessions = 4.12 Products.SiteErrorLog = 5.5 Products.statusmessages = 5.0.5 Products.validation = 2.1.3 Products.ZopeVersionControl = 2.0.0 Products.ZSQLMethods = 3.14 sourcecodegen = 0.6.14 z3c.autoinclude = 0.4.1 z3c.caching = 2.2 z3c.form = 3.7.1 z3c.formwidget.query = 0.17 z3c.zcmlhook = 1.1 zodbverify = 1.1.0 ############################################################################## # Ecosystem (not officially part of core) collective.js.jqueryui = 2.1.8 collective.z3cform.datagridfield = 2.0.1 collective.z3cform.datetimewidget = 1.2.9 plone.app.debugtoolbar = 1.2.2 plone.app.relationfield = 3.0.0a1 plone.app.versioningbehavior = 1.4.4 plone.formwidget.autocomplete = 1.4.0 plone.formwidget.contenttree = 1.2.0 plone.formwidget.datetime = 1.3.5 z3c.batching = 2.2 z3c.blobfile = 0.1.5 z3c.jbot = 1.1.0 z3c.objpath = 1.2 z3c.relationfield = 0.9.0 z3c.unconfigure = 1.1 zc.relationship = 2.1 Products.PrintingMailHost = 1.1.6 Products.PDBDebugMode = 2.0 # New: Mosaic and related plone.app.blocks = 5.0.0 plone.app.drafts = 1.1.3 plone.app.mosaic = 2.2.3 plone.app.standardtiles = 2.4.0 plone.app.tiles = 3.2.1 plone.tiles = 2.3.1 plone.jsonserializer = 0.9.10 # egg versions formerly in tests.cfg. # We said they were not part of the release, but should still be pinned # so our development builds are repeatable. # But real dependencies creep in anyway, like cryptography that is pulled in by restapi. argcomplete = 1.12.3 argh = 0.26.2 build = 0.1.0 cached-property = 1.5.2 check-manifest = 0.46 Deprecated = 1.2.12 distro = 1.6.0 fancycompleter = 0.9.1 FormEncode = 1.3.1 gitdb2 = 2.0.6 gitpython = 3.0.5 html5lib = 1.1i httplib2 = 0.20.2 launchpadlib = 1.10.13 lazr.restfulclient = 0.14.3 lazr.uri = 1.0.5 oauthlib = 3.1.1 pdbpp = 0.10.3 pep517 = 0.11.0 progress = 1.6 prompt-toolkit = 1.0.18 PyGithub = 1.47 pyrepl = 0.9.0 pyroma = 3.2 pynacl = 1.4.0 smmap = 3.0.4 smmap2 = 3.0.1 stdlib-list = 0.8.0 testresources = 2.0.1 tomli = 1.2.2 typing-extensions = wadllib = 1.3.5 wcwidth = 0.2.5 wmctrl = 0.4 wrapt = 1.12.1 z3c.dependencychecker = 2.7 zest.pocompile = 1.5.0 [versionannotations] # keep this alphabetical please prompt-toolkit = Requirement of robotframework-debuglibrary: prompt-toolkit<2 ply = 3.4 previously pinned for slimit, but calmjs.parse needs 3.6+, though it comes with pre-generated tab files for up to 3.11. See https://github.com/dabeaz/ply/issues/82, pyjwt = plone.restapi fails with PyJWT >=2 - see https://github.com/plone/plone.restapi/issues/1193 robotframework = Since 3.2.x the robot.parsing module API has breaking changes, thus we need to adopt before upgrading. smmap2 = Needs to be a 2 series Unidecode = Unidecode 0.04.{2-9} breaks tests zope.component = 5.0.0 causes a few problems. See https://github.com/plone/buildout.coredev/pull/725#issuecomment-872272811