Zope: 5.3 → 5.4 --------------- - Audit and fix all hyperlinks in code and documentation - Change zope.org references to zope.dev due to ongoing domain ownership issues. zope.dev is owned by the Plone Foundation and thus safe from interference. XML/ZCML namespace URLs remain unchanged. - Remove all links that are completely dead, such as the old zope.org Collectors issue trackers. - Update all other miscellaneous links to make them work again or remove if the information is gone. - Improve type guessing for the default WebDAV PUT factory (`#997 `_) - Enable WebDAV PUT factories to change a newly created object's ID (`#997 `_) - Fix potential race condition in ``App.version_txt.getZopeVersion`` (`#999 `_) - Don't coerce file upload fields for adding DTML Documents/Methods to string. This makes the Add forms work again with the ZPublisher converter code changes. - Remove deprecated ulines, utext, utokens, ustring from more code. In the properties form, show a deprecation warning. - Add function ``ZPublisher.utils.fix_properties``. You can call this to fix lines properties to only contain strings, not bytes. It also replaces the deprecated property types ulines, utext, utoken, and ustring with their non-unicode variants. (`#987 `_) - Add support for Python 3.10. - Update to newest compatible versions of dependencies. setuptools: 54.0.0 → 59.6.0 --------------------------- zc.buildout: 3.0.0b2 → 3.0.0rc1 ------------------------------- pip: 21.0.1 → 21.3.1 -------------------- plone.releaser: 1.8.5 → 1.8.6 ----------------------------- Bug fixes: - Insert buildout:docs-directory when reading sources. Workaround for issue similar to `mr.roboto 89 `_. [maurits] (#89) msgpack: 0.6.2 → 1.0.3 ---------------------- pillow: 8.3.1 → 9.0.0 --------------------- repoze.xmliter: 0.6 → 0.6.1 --------------------------- - Fixed tests with lxml 4.7.1 or higher. Fixes `issue 8 `_. [maurits] diazo: 1.4.1 → 1.4.2 -------------------- Bug fixes: - Remove FormEncode test dependency. [maurits] (#83) Plone: 6.0.0a2 → 6.0.0a3 ------------------------ Bug fixes: - Release 6.0.0a3. [maurits] plone.app.content: 4.0.0a8 → 4.0.0a9 ------------------------------------ Breaking changes: - Deprecate the human_readable_size method of the ContentStatusHistoryView class because the one from the @@plone view should be used [ale-rt] (#240) plone.app.contentlisting: 2.0.5 → 2.0.6 --------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Do not throw an error when the contenttype is not in the mimetypes_registry. [tschorr] (#41) plone.app.contentrules: 5.0.0a2 → 5.0.0a3 ----------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - remove obsolete info icon update element management to bootstrap5 [petschki] (#66) plone.app.contenttypes: 3.0.0a5 → 3.0.0a9 ----------------------------------------- Breaking changes: - Remove upgrade steps that are not relevant anymore in Plone 6 [ale-rt] (#613) Bug fixes: - Security fix: prevent cache poisoning with the Referer header. See `security advisory `. [maurits] (#1) - Depend on `plone.namedfile` core instead of its empty `[blobs]` extra. [maurits] (#106) - Fix tests with ES6. [maurits] (#6) - Fix author url in tabular listing [petschki] (#627) plone.app.dexterity: 3.0.0a4 → 3.0.0a7 -------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Depend on `plone.namedfile` core instead of its empty `[scales]` extra. [maurits] (#106) - Fix warning about legacy version specifiers in setup.py. [maurits] (#337) - Use the shared 'Plone test setup' and 'Plone test teardown' keywords in Robot tests. [Rotonen] (#292) - Fix form text. [agitator] (#336) plone.app.layout: 4.0.0a5 → 4.0.0a9 ----------------------------------- Breaking changes: - Remove (marked for removal im Plone 6) deprecated methods. [jensens] (#285) New features: - Add viewlet to display customizable favicon with handler to update its MIME-type [talarias] (plip-favicon) - Global section viewlet: Catalog based navigation. Show the global sections also if navigation contains items but tabs are empty. This allows for disabling portal tabs rendering and constructing the navigation only from the catalog query. [thet] (273-1) - Global sections viewlet: Customize entries and query. Also allow customizing the tabs entries and the navigation query along with the other navigation entries. [thet] (273-2) - Global sections viewlet: Factor out types_using_view. Factor out types_using_view so that this method can be re-used, e.g. in a subclass with a customize_entry method. [thet] (273-3) - Global sections viewlet performance optimizations: - Remove pointless caching on types_using_view, - Store settings in variable for multiple access, bypassing cache checks, - Remove now pointless caching on settings property, - Deprecate now unused navtree_depth property. [thet] (#275) - Remove pointless caching on types_using_view, - Store settings in variable for multiple access, bypassing cache checks, - Remove now pointless caching on settings property, - Deprecate now unused navtree_depth property. Bug fixes: - In global sections viewlet fetch registry only one time. Also: Code style black and minor code cleanup. [jensens] (#285) - Escape navigation titles only once. [thomasmassmann] (#280) plone.app.linkintegrity: 3.4.1 → 3.5.0 -------------------------------------- New features: - Track integrity of video and audio files in HTML source tags. (#77) plone.app.multilingual: 6.0.0a5 → 6.0.0a7 ----------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - In CMFPlone the ILanguage schema was moved to plone.i18n and is referenced as such there, here the change was missing. [jensens] (#394) - Fix typos in documentation. [telshock] (#340) plone.app.registry: 2.0.0a5 → 2.0.0a7 ------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - structured form description and explicit macro call [petschki] (#60) - Ignoring dotted files in registry directories. [iham] (#3990) plone.app.upgrade: 3.0.0a1 → 3.0.0a3 ------------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Rerelease without changes as 3.0.0a3 so it fits better with the Plone 6.0.0a3 version. It is not guaranteed to keep matching. [maurits] (#300) - Upgrade Step for renamed error-log-form view link in ControlPanel [jmevissen] (#266) - Fix unicode properties. See `issue 3305 `_. [maurits] (#3305) - Added upgrade to 6003, Plone 6.0.0a3. [maurits] (#6003) plone.app.users: 3.0.0a4 → 3.0.0a5 ---------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Test fix: remove deprecated ustring handling, which is only needed on Python 2. [maurits] (#3305) plone.app.uuid: 2.0.2 → 2.1.0 ----------------------------- New features: - Speed up ``uuidToPhysicalPath`` and ``uuidToObject``. Do this by using an IndexQuery to only query the UID index. Note: of the four functions in ``utils.py``, only ``uuidToObject`` checks the security. For the other functions, it is up to the caller to do this, if needed. We may change this in the future, but for now the behavior should be the same as in previous versions. [maurits] (#11) plone.app.z3cform: 4.0.0a4 → 4.0.0a6 ------------------------------------ Bug fixes: - re-enable HTML rendering in form description [petschki] (#138) - Remove errorneous extra curly bracket in class name of the widget wrapper. [thet] (#136) plone.cachepurging: 2.0.3 → 2.0.4 --------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Better debugging capabilities by enhancing the output of the purge views `@@plone.cachepurging.purge` and `@@plone.cachepurging.queue`. [jensens] (#21) plone.dexterity: 2.10.5 → 3.0.0a2 --------------------------------- Breaking changes: - Plone 6: Always use a lines property for behaviors, no longer the deprecated ulines. Part of `issue 3305 `_. [maurits] (#3305) Bug fixes: - Really always use a lines property for behaviors, no longer the deprecated ulines. This improves the fix from the previous release. Part of `issue 3305 `_. [maurits] (#3305) plone.i18n: 5.0.0a3 → 5.0.0a4 ----------------------------- Bug fixes: - Tests: call self.publish with handle_errors=False. [maurits] (#41) plone.namedfile: 5.5.1 → 6.0.0a1 -------------------------------- Breaking changes: - Drop support for Python 2.7. Main target is now Plone 6, but we try to keep it running on Plone 5.2 with Python 3. See discussion in `plone.scale issue 44 `_. [maurits] (#44) New features: - Make DefaultImageScalingFactory more flexible, with methods you can override. [maurits] (#104) Bug fixes: - Fixed NameError `file` on Python 3. Use `io.IOBase` instead. (#3) plone.rest: 2.0.0a1 → 2.0.0a2 ----------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix typo in `README.rst` [jensens] (#123) - Use document_view as default for site root. [agitator] (#126) - Resolve all the deprecation warnings that originate in this package's code that are exposed by running the tests that do not stem from backwards compatibility we support. [rpatterson] (#128) plone.restapi: 8.16.2 → 8.21.0 ------------------------------ New features: - Enhance @addons endpoint to return a list of upgradeable addons. [sneridagh] (#1319) - Add support for DX Plone Site root in Plone 6. Remove blocks behavior hack for site root in Plone 6. [sneridagh] (#1219) - Update build to Plone 6 alpha 2 [sneridagh] (#1312) - Improve vocabulary endpoint when asking for a list of tokens adding resilience and deprecation warning [sneridagh] (#1298) - Expandable params as list and deprecations for list as comma separated [sneridagh] (#1300) - Enhance the vocabularies serializer to accept a list of tokens [sneridagh] (#1294) Bug fixes: - Do not break in recursive transition when children already are in destination state. [cekk] (#1291) - Resolve the bulk of deprecation and resource leak warnings when running the full test suite. [rpatterson] (#1302) - SearchableText indexer should maintain the order of the blocks [ericof] (#1292) - Be permissive when testing the schema of the querystring endpoint [reebalazs] (#1307) plone.volto: 3.1.0a6 → 4.0.0a2 ------------------------------ - Remove c.folderishtypes dependency - Bring back the draftJS as default, until Slate is integrated in full in Volto [sneridagh] - Code cleanup, remove some outdated and unused helpers in ``setuptools.py`` [sneridagh] - Workaround a test fixture isolation issue with the `IVoltoSettings.frontend_domain` setting. [rpatterson] - Add new field in the coresandbox: not constrained by vocabulary field but the vocabulary defined in the widget. [sneridagh] - Computed copyright dates for content demo pages [sneridagh] - Test with Plone 6.0.0a2 [ericof] plonetheme.barceloneta: 3.0.0a8 → 3.0.0a9 ----------------------------------------- New features: - del favicons from index.html and rules [talarias] (plip-favicon) Bug fixes: - Be more specific where replacing the head title element [ale-rt] (#264) Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI: 6.0.3 → 7.0.0a1 ------------------------------------------- Breaking changes: - Plone 6: always use lines for the view_methods property. Part of `issue 3305 `_. Also, remove Python 2 code and the six dependency. [maurits] (#3305) Products.CMFEditions: 4.0.0a1 → 4.0.0a3 --------------------------------------- Breaking changes: - The VersionView class is deprecated because it contained just one method that is now part of the @@plone view [ale-rt] (#84) - Removed versioning_config.py and versioning_config_form.pt from skin. Instead, you can change the versioning config in the ``@@content-controlpanel``. [maurits] (#72) - Removed migration code from version 1.0alpha3 to 1.0beta1 from 2006. Removed Storage Migration Support. This had code for creating a test hierarchy for migration tests. [maurits] (#72) - Removed unused versions_history.pt which defines a versions_history macro. We do still have versions_history_form. [maurits] (#72) New features: - Merged skin script ``checkUpToDate`` into ``versions_history_form`` view. Merged ``can_diff`` view into ``versions_history_form`` view. [maurits] (#71) - Remove now empty CMFEditions skin layer in an upgrade step. [maurits] (#71) - Moved various items from from skin to a browser view: ``saveasnewversion``, ``revertversion``, ``diff_legend``, ``versions_history_form``, ``compare.css``. [maurits] (#71) Bug fixes: - Removed version_diff.pt. This template is deprecated. Use the @@history view instead. [maurits] (#71) - QA: black, isort, flake8, fix deprecation warnings, remove use of six, upgrade to Python 3.7-only syntax. [maurits] (#80) Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow: 2.0.4 → 3.0.0a1 --------------------------------------------- Breaking changes: - Use ``toolbar-action/workflow`` as icon. Only works in Plone 6. Removed the ``CMFPlacefulWorkflow`` skin layer. Removed ancient upgrade step, added new one for the above. [maurits] (#33) Bug fixes: - Fix a test that picks up the footer-portlets link instead of a document. (#36) - Fixed undefined name ``portal_url``. Fixed traceback on the policy mapping form when the workflow policy id is missing or wrong. [maurits] (#39) Products.CMFPlone: 6.0.0a2 → 6.0.0a3 ------------------------------------ New features: - add a new entry in site-controlpanel to change the favicon and its MIME-type The favicon can be a .ico/png or SVG-file [talarias] (plip-barceloneta_lts_favicon) - The @@plone view exposes the human_readable_size helper [ale-rt] (#3146) - Allow ``from warnings import warn`` and ``warn("message", DeprecationWarning)`` TTW, like in Python Scripts. [jensens] (#3376) - Customize breadcrumbs hook ``customize_entry`` for subclasses (like already in global navigation). [jensens] (#3377) Bug fixes: - Cleanup Error Log Form after Review [jmevissen] (#3241) - Removed management_page_charset support from usergroup-groupdetails page. This is related to deprecated unicode property types, like ustring. Part of `issue 3305 `_. [maurits] (#3305) - Update Controlpanel Error Log Form Layout Rename ControlPanel Error Log Form View prefs_error_log_form -> error-log-form [jmevissen] (#3393) - Use label_site_administration instead of label_site_admin in error and mail_password_form templates (#3397) - Updated metadata version to 6003. [maurits] (#6003) Products.MimetypesRegistry: 2.1.8 → 2.1.9 ----------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix missing comma in install_requires. [maurits] (#21) Products.PlonePAS: 7.0.0a1 → 7.0.0a2 ------------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Fixed deprecation warning for ``AccessControl.AuthEncoding``. [maurits] (#64) - Fix broken Zope root `/acl_users` cookie plugin on `PlonePAS` install. [rpatterson] (#65) Products.PluggableAuthService: 2.6.4 → 2.7.0 -------------------------------------------- - Add support for Python 3.10. - Improve the PAS override for Zope's ``manage_zmi_logout`` (`#107 `_) - Fixed deprecation warning for ``AccessControl.AuthEncoding``. - Pass the login name as ``updateCredentials``'s ``login`` parameter (not the user id) (`#105 `_). Fix docstring of ``PluggableAuthService._extractUserIds``. plone.app.debugtoolbar: 1.2.2 → 1.2.3 ------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix missing zcml directive when `plone.app.standardtiles` is installed. [petschki] (#18) - Fix brackets in toolbar-help [djowett] (#25) - Fix a compatibility issue with Python 3.8 (#27) plone.app.versioningbehavior: 1.4.4 → 1.4.5 ------------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Depend on `plone.namedfile` core instead of its empty `[blobs]` extra. [maurits] (#106) z3c.jbot: 1.1.0 → 1.1.1 ----------------------- plone.app.tiles: 3.2.1 → 3.2.3 ------------------------------ FormEncode: 1.3.1 → 2.0.1 -------------------------