Release notes Plone 4.3.20 This is the last ever release of the Plone 4.3 series! You should be moving to Plone 5.2 by now. See also the release schedule: Note that support for Python 2.6 was dropped a while ago. It might still work, but you should use Python 2.7. Some highlights of 4.3.20 are: - Integrated PloneHotfix20200121 for increased security. - Moved the security check if a url is in the portal to a small separate package: Products.isurlinportal. You can immediately use this on Plone 4.3 and higher. Keep an eye on updates for this package: newer versions will increase the security. Often the impact of fixes is too small to warrant a real security hotfix package, but we want to do more regular fixes here. - Use Products.isurlinportal 1.1.0 with security hardening against whitespace: - Removed broken X-XSS-Protection header from classic theme and unstyled theme. - Products.PluggableAuthService: Added new events to be able to notify when a principal is added to or removed from a group. Notify these events when principals are added or removed to a group in ZODBGroupManager. See - z3c.autoinclude: When environment variable Z3C_AUTOINCLUDE_DEBUG is set, log which packages are being automatically included.