Release notes Plone 5.1.7, pending release, expected September 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: this is likely the last release in the 5.1 series. Some highlights are: * Integrate Plone20200121 hotfix. * Security: depend on Products.isurlinportal. Version 1.1.0 has hardening against white space. * plone.recipe.zeoserver: Windows fixes * mockup and plonetheme.barceloneta: various frontend fixes, including translations * Lots of translation updates * Lots of bug fixes in many packages. * plone.namedfile: Range support * plone.scale: The ``mode`` argument replaces the old, now deprecated, ``direction`` argument. The new names are ``contain`` or ``scale-crop-to-fit`` instead of ``down``, ``cover`` or ``scale-crop-to-fill`` instead of ``up`` and ``scale`` instead of ``thumbnail``. * plone.supermodel: added support for choices of integers for improved registry.xml export. * Products.PluggableAuthService: Added new events to be able to notify when a principal is added to or removed from a group.