Zope 4.8.7 → 4.8.10 ------------------- - Allow only some image types to be displayed inline. Force download for others, especially SVG images. By default we use a list of allowed types. You can switch a to a list of denied types by setting OS environment variable OFS_IMAGE_USE_DENYLIST=1. You can override the allowed list with environment variable ALLOWED_INLINE_MIMETYPES and the disallowed list with DISALLOWED_INLINE_MIMETYPES. Separate multiple entries by either comma or space. This change only affects direct URL access. works the same as before. (CVE-2023-42458) See security advisory. - Tighten down the ZMI frame source logic to only allow site-local sources. Problem reported by Miguel Segovia Gil. - Update RestrictedPython to version 5.4 to fix a potential a security issue. (CVE-2023-41039) - Update AccessControl to version 4.4 to fix a potential a security issue. (CVE-2023-41050) - Sanitize tainting fixing #1095 - Restore filename on code objects of objects returned from App.Extensions.getObject(). This got lost in 4.0a6. - Only set response header Content-Type as text/html on exception views when the response has content. (#1089) Update dependencies to the latest releases for each supported Python version. plone.recipe.zope2instance: 6.12.0 → 6.12.1 ------------------------------------------- Documentation: - Update README: for ``RotatingFileHandler`` ``maxCount`` is not a valid keyword argument. Use ``backupCount``. [gforcada] (#190) plone.releaser: 1.8.8 → 1.8.9 ----------------------------- Bug fixes: - Allow disabling PyPI rights check, as this does not know how to check organisations. Set env variable ``PLONE_RELEASER_CHECK_PYPI_ACCESS=0`` if you want to disable it. Also, we do not check PyPI if the user is `__token__`, so using an API token. [maurits] (#50) - Fix missing changelog entries when running ``bin/manage changelog``. [maurits] (#60) Plone: 5.2.13 → 5.2.14 ---------------------- Bug fixes: - Release Plone 5.2.14. [maurits] plone.app.multilingual: 5.6.4 → 5.6.6 ------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix setting Indonesian language cookie on site root: must be ``id``, not ``id-id``. [maurits] (#304) - Fix ``set_recursive_language`` to actually find child objects. [maurits] (#304) - Root language switcher: redirect to ``id-id`` if the Indonesian language is preferred. [maurits] (#304) - Do not unset the language on the Indonesian root language folder when saving the control panel. This language has ``id`` as code. This is not allowed as an id in Plone, so it is created as ``id-id`` instead. This needs some special handling. Added upgrade to recursively fix this language folder to set the Indonesian language. This is only done when the folder itself has the wrong language. [maurits] (#304) plone.app.upgrade: 2.1.6 → 2.1.7 -------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Added upgrade to 5222, Plone 5.2.14. [maurits] (#5222) plone.namedfile: 5.6.0 → 5.6.1 ------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Fix stored XSS (Cross Site Scripting) for SVG images. Done by forcing a download instead of displaying inline. See `security advisory `_. [maurits] (#1) plone.restapi: 7.8.2 → 7.8.3 ---------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix content serializer with an old version of an item that was renamed. @davisagli (#1651) Products.CMFCore: 2.7.0 → 2.7.1 ------------------------------- - Make ``decodeFolderFilter`` and ``encodeFolderFilter`` non-public. This is the workaround from `CVE-2023-36814 `_. Products.CMFPlone: 5.2.13 → 5.2.14 ---------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Update metadata version to 5222, Plone 5.2.14. [maurits] (#5222)