Zope: 4.8.3 → 4.8.7 ------------------- - Only set response header Content-Type as text/html on exception views when the response has content. (#1089) - Update dependencies to the latest releases for each supported Python version. - Explicitly serve App.Dialogs.MessageDialog and exception views as HTML due to the changed default content type from #1075. - Fix some broken ZMI pages due to the changed default content type from PR https://github.com/zopefoundation/Zope/pull/1075 (#1078) - Set the published default Content-Type header to text/plain if none has been set explicitly to prevent a cross-site scripting attack. Also remove the old behavior of constructing an HTML page for published methods returning a two-item tuple. - Make Products.PageTemplates compatible with Chameleon 3.10. plone.releaser: 1.8.7 → 1.8.8 ----------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix ValueError when calling ``bin/manage launchpad``. [maurits] (#45) python-dotenv: 0.15.0 → 0.18.0 ------------------------------ z3c.template: 3.1.0 → 3.2 ------------------------- Products.ExternalMethod: 4.6 → 4.7 ---------------------------------- - Fix insidious buildout configuration bug for tests against Zope 4. - Add support for Python 3.11. Products.MailHost: 4.12 → 4.13 ------------------------------ - Fix insidious buildout configuration bug for tests against Zope 4. - Add support for Python 3.11. Products.PythonScripts: 4.14 → 4.15 ----------------------------------- - Fix insidious buildout configuration bug for tests against Zope 4. - Add support for Python 3.11. Products.StandardCacheManagers: 4.0.3 → 4.2 ------------------------------------------- zope.app.locales: 4.1 → 4.3 --------------------------- zope.copy: 4.2 → 4.3 -------------------- zope.copypastemove: 4.1.0 → 4.2.1 --------------------------------- zope.dublincore: 4.2.0 → 4.3.0 ------------------------------ zope.intid: 4.3.0 → 4.4.0 ------------------------- zope.password: 4.3.1 → 4.4 -------------------------- simplejson: 3.17.6 → 3.18.1 --------------------------- borg.localrole: 3.1.8 → 3.1.9 ----------------------------- Bug fixes: - Add PEP 508 style requirements to not depend on Zope2 in Python 3. [jensens] (#12) Plone: 5.2.10 → 5.2.11 ---------------------- Bug fixes: - Release Plone 5.2.11. [maurits] plone.app.caching: 2.1.0 → 2.2.0 -------------------------------- New features: - Apply weak caching to GET requests of content with application/json. See `plone.rest issue 73 `_. [maurits] (#73) Bug fixes: - Revert changes to tests to work with the Zope security fix. We must have an empty byte, not text, otherwise it is an indication that we get a possibly wrong Content-Type in a 304 status. See `Zope issue 1089 `_. [maurits] (#1089) - Fix tests to work with the Zope security fix. [maurits] (#106) plone.app.content: 3.8.9 → 3.8.10 --------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix ValueError: Circular reference detected for RelationValue. [maurits] (#128) - Fix ValueError: Circular reference detected for PersistentMapping. [maurits] (#246) plone.app.upgrade: 2.1.3 → 2.1.4 -------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Apply weak caching to GET requests of content with application/json. See `plone.rest issue 73 `_. [maurits] (#73) - Added upgrade to 5219, Plone 5.2.11. [maurits] (#5219) plone.event: 1.4.1 → 1.4.2 -------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'astimezone'. Fixes `issue 13 `_. [gogobd] (#13) plone.protect: 4.1.6 → 4.1.8 ---------------------------- Bug fixes: - Testing: explicitly set response content type header to html. [jeromeperrin] (#97) - Add missing z3c.zcmlhook dependency. [icemac] (#96) Products.CMFCore: 2.6.0 → 2.7.0 ------------------------------- - Fix insidious buildout configuration bug for tests against Zope 4. - Add support for Python 3.11. Products.CMFPlone: 5.2.10 → 5.2.11 ---------------------------------- Bug fixes: - During login, when login_time is invalid, warn and reset it to 2000/01/01. Fixes `issue 3656 `_. [maurits] (#3656) - When autologin after password reset is enabled, use the same adapters as during normal login. Specifically: the ``IInitialLogin`` and ``IRedirectAfterLogin`` adapters. Autologin is enabled by default. Fixes `issue 3713 `_. [maurits] (#3713) - Update metadata version to 5219, Plone 5.2.11. [maurits] (#5219) Products.CMFUid: 3.4 → 3.5 -------------------------- - Fix insidious buildout configuration bug for tests against Zope 4. - Add support for Python 3.11. Products.DCWorkflow: 2.6.0 → 2.7.0 ---------------------------------- - Fix insidious buildout configuration bug for tests against Zope 4. - Add support for Python 3.11. Products.GenericSetup: 2.2.0 → 2.3.0 ------------------------------------ - Fix insidious buildout configuration bug for tests against Zope 4. - Add support for Python 3.11. Products.PluggableAuthService: 2.7.1 → 2.8.1 -------------------------------------------- - Explicitly set the response `Content-Type` header where needed due to the changed default content type from `Zope#1075 `_. - Fix insidious buildout configuration bug for tests against Zope 4. - Add support for Python 3.11. Products.PluginRegistry: 1.10 → 1.11 ------------------------------------ - Fix insidious buildout configuration bug for tests against Zope 4. - Add support for Python 3.11. Products.Sessions: 4.14 → 4.15 ------------------------------ - Fix insidious buildout configuration bug for tests against Zope 4. - Add support for Python 3.11. Products.SiteErrorLog: 5.6 → 5.7 -------------------------------- - Fix insidious buildout configuration bug for tests against Zope 4. - Add support for Python 3.11. Products.ZODBMountPoint: 1.0 → 1.3 ---------------------------------- Products.ZSQLMethods: 3.9 → 3.16 -------------------------------- z3c.zcmlhook: 1.0b1 → 1.1 ------------------------- plone.app.debugtoolbar: 1.2.3 → 1.3.0 ------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Add support for Python 3.11 [pbauer] (#30) z3c.objpath: 1.2 → 1.3 ---------------------- plone.app.blocks: 5.2.0 → 5.2.1 ------------------------------- plone.jsonserializer: 0.9.10 → 0.9.11 ------------------------------------- html5lib: 1.0.1 → 1.1 --------------------- httplib2: 0.18.1 → 0.21.0 ------------------------- launchpadlib: 1.10.17 → 1.10.18 ------------------------------- progress: 1.5 → 1.6 ------------------- PyYAML: 5.3.1 → 5.4.1 --------------------- stdlib-list: 0.6.0 → 0.8.0 -------------------------- zest.pocompile: 1.5.0 → 1.6.0 ----------------------------- requests-toolbelt: 0.9.1 → 0.10.1 --------------------------------- tox: 3.24.5 → 3.28.0 -------------------- tqdm: 4.64.0 → 4.64.1 --------------------- virtualenv: 20.14.1 → 20.17.1 ----------------------------- zipp: 1.1.1 → 1.2.0 ------------------- jeepney: 0.4.3 → 0.8.0 ----------------------