plone.recipe.zope2instance: 6.11.0 → 6.12.0 ------------------------------------------- New features: - Add new option `asyncore_use_poll` to waitress config file. [petschki] (#189) plone.versioncheck: 1.7.0 → 1.8.0 --------------------------------- - Ignore invalid versions. Needed for ``setuptools`` 66 and higher when checking a package that has invalid versions on PyPI. Fixes `issue 52 `_. [maurits] Plone: 5.2.11 → 5.2.12 ---------------------- Bug fixes: - Release Plone 5.2.12. [maurits] 5.1.31 → 5.1.32 ---------------------------------- - Update Turkish translation [uyar] 1.3.6 → 1.3.7 ---------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Remove dependency on ZODB3, use ZODB instead. Add troove classifiers for Plone 6 and newer Python. [jensens] (#47) 2.1.4 → 2.1.5 -------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Added upgrade to 5220, Plone 5.2.12. [maurits] (#5220) 2.6.7 → 2.6.8 ------------------------------ Bug fixes: - For user schemas use a volatile cache on the request instead of on the portal. This prevents seeing an empty user profile when you have custom user schemas. This fixes `issue 76 `_. [maurits] (#76) plone.contentrules: 2.1.2 → 2.1.3 --------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Use `ZODB` as dependency rather than the deprecated `ZODB3`. [gforcada] (#1) plone.keyring: 3.1.3 → 3.2.1 ---------------------------- Bug fixes: - Use `ZODB` as dependency rather than the deprecated `ZODB3`. [gforcada] (#1) - Update to Zope4 only including troove classifiers. [jensens] (#7) plone.locking: 2.2.5 → 2.3.0 ---------------------------- Bug fixes: - Update to Zope4 only including troove classifiers. [jensens] (#19) plone.portlets: 2.3.2 → 2.3.3 ----------------------------- Bug fixes: - Use `ZODB` as dependency rather than the deprecated `ZODB3`. [gforcada] (#1) - Fix deprecation warnings (#5) plone.restapi: 7.8.1 → 7.8.2 ---------------------------- Bug fixes: - Tests: pin ``plone.schema`` to 1.4.0 in Plone 4.3. This is the latest version compatible with Python 2. On Plone 5.0 and higher this package is already pinned. [maurits] (#140) - CI: run the tests on Ubuntu 20.04, instead of latest. Python 2.7 and 3.6 are not available on latest. [maurits] (#2004) plonetheme.barceloneta: 2.1.10 → 2.1.11 --------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix Diazo rule problem with undefined footer_portlets and footer_portlets_count variables. See: (#239) Products.CMFPlone: 5.2.11 → 5.2.12 ---------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Show warning in Site Setup when using an unsupported Plone or Python version. This is based on dates in the `Plone release schedule `_ and the `Status of Python versions `_. [maurits] (#23) - Removed dependencies on development versions. For example we were depending on `` >= 1.1.6dev-r22380`` and the 1.1.6 version was released in 2008. With setuptools 67 this development version is illegal and cannot be parsed, even though in ``versions.cfg`` or ``constraints.txt`` we explicitly request version 2.3.4. [maurits] (#67) - Removed path query from search view when context is site root. [malthe] (#3753) - Fixed encoding issue on Python 3 for some mail servers. This could result in missing characters in an email body. [maurits] (#3754) - Update metadata version to 5220, Plone 5.2.12. [maurits] (#5220) Products.PortalTransforms: 3.2.1 → 3.2.2 ---------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Update to Zope4 only including troove classifiers. [jensens] (#50)