Zope 4.5.3 → 4.5.5 ------------------ plone.recipe.zope2instance: 6.8.1 → 6.8.3 ----------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix windows `wsgi.ini` to have a configurable listen address. Added missing WSGI config options for windows. [jensens] (#161) - Restored ability to use own explicit version of zodb-temporary-storage. [maurits] (#93) plone.releaser: 1.8.2 → 1.8.3 ----------------------------- Bug fixes: - When reporting interesting commits, catch errors when comparing with previously ignored commit. Fixes `issue 39 `_. [maurits] (#39) Products.MailHost: 4.10 → 4.11 ------------------------------ - Use standard conforming ``\r\n`` line endings. This may require adaptations in testsSupport messages with line separation ``\r\n`` (`#35 `_). mockup: 3.2.4 → 3.2.5 --------------------- Bug fixes: - Do only remove the correct event listener on ``context-info-loaded`` before adding a new one. Fixes a problem where the current path was not updated for the upload popup when changing paths. Fixes: #1016 Refs: #1028, #1030, #1039 [thet] (#1041) Plone: 5.2.3 → 5.2.4 -------------------- Bug fixes: - Release Plone 5.2.4 final [maurits] - Removed ``plone.app.dexterity`` from dependencies. It is already required by ``Products.CMFPlone``. [maurits] plone.app.caching: 2.0.8 → 2.1.0 -------------------------------- New features: - Restored ``resourceRegistries`` ETag, but now for Plone 5 resource registries. Fixes warning "Could not find value adapter for ETag component resourceRegistries". [maurits] (#61) Bug fixes: - Do not break if some custom code provides an alias for Products.Archetypes or plone.app.blob (#72) plone.app.contentrules: 4.1.5 → 4.1.6 ------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Simplify test setup by using the MOCK_MAILHOST_FIXTURE (#59) plone.app.contenttypes: 2.2.1 → 2.2.2 ------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Various fixes for restoring references: - Migrate ``relatesTo`` AT relation to ``relatedItems`` DX relation. - In DX check the schema to see if relation field is list or item. Taken over from `collective.relationhelpers `_. - ``restore_references``: accept ``relationship_fieldname_mapping`` argument. This must be a dictionary with a relationship name as key and fieldname as value, instead of always using ``relatedItems`` as fieldname. [maurits] (#510) - Migrate ``relatesTo`` AT relation to ``relatedItems`` DX relation. - In DX check the schema to see if relation field is list or item. Taken over from `collective.relationhelpers `_. - ``restore_references``: accept ``relationship_fieldname_mapping`` argument. This must be a dictionary with a relationship name as key and fieldname as value, instead of always using ``relatedItems`` as fieldname. - Catch AttributeError for ``getNextPreviousEnabled`` during migration. [maurits] (#582) - migrate_datetimefield: do nothing when old value is None. This fixes ``AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'asdatetime'``. [maurits] (#584) plone.app.dexterity: 2.6.8 → 2.6.9 ---------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix the constraint types mode calculation, disabling acquisition and gracefully checking for the existence of a portal type attribute in the container (#319) plone.app.discussion: 3.4.3 → 3.4.4 ----------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix tests with Products.MailHost 4.11. [maurits] (#174) plone.app.linkintegrity: 3.3.14 → 3.4.1 --------------------------------------- New features: - Drop Plone 5.1 support, due to possible incompatibility with older plone.app.uuid. [maurits] (#79) Bug fixes: - Use base64.decodebytes instead of decodestring when possible. Fixes Python 3.9 compatibility in the tests. [maurits] (#81) - Fix Unauthorized exception when you edit a page that links to another page that you are not allowed to see. Fixes `issue 79 `_. [maurits] (#79) plone.app.locales: 5.1.27 → 5.1.28 ---------------------------------- - Fix French and German translation for the assets folder (no spaces and lowercase). [pbauer] - Fix wrong DE translation in plone.app.caching. [jensens] plone.app.multilingual: 5.6.2 → 5.6.3 ------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Force view_methods to be a tuple on setup and uninstall (#337) plone.app.registry: 1.7.7 → 1.7.8 --------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Use better titles and descriptions for import and export steps. [jensens] (#1) plone.app.upgrade: 2.0.36 → 2.0.38 ---------------------------------- Breaking changes: - Remove temp_folder from Zope root if broken. See `issue 2957 `_. [maurits] (#2957) Bug fixes: - Make portal_setup objects accessible only to Manager/Owner. See `GenericSetup issue 101 `_. [maurits] (#101) - Plone 6.0: remove portal_form_controller tool. [maurits] (#3057) - Improved upgrade step for site_logo from ASCII to Bytes. The previous upgrade was incomplete and could remove the logo when called twice. See `comment on issue 3172 `_. [maurits] (#3172) plone.app.users: 2.6.5 → 2.6.6 ------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Fix setting "Use site default" for wysiwyg_editor. Fix https://github.com/plone/Products.CMFPlone/issues/3173 [pbauer] (#95) plone.app.vocabularies: 4.2.1 → 4.2.2 ------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Change vocabulary tokens to use ``base64.urlsafe_b64encode()``. No newlines and safe to use as an xml attribute. See `community post `_. [flipmcf] (#64) plone.app.workflow: 4.0.3 → 4.0.4 --------------------------------- New features: - Have the icons from the sharing tab to have their URL relative to the site root [frapell] (#25) plone.batching: 1.1.6 → 1.1.7 ----------------------------- New features: - Include request form parameters from parent request to allow batching in plone.app.standardtiles and filtering with collective.collectionfilter. [agitator] (#26) plone.cachepurging: 2.0.2 → 2.0.3 --------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Replaced deprecated Thread.isAlive by is_alive. The old name no longer works in Python 3.9. The new name already works in Python 2.7. (#22) plone.portlet.collection: 3.3.5 → 3.3.6 --------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Show start date in portlet if available. [agitator] (#25) plone.rest: 1.6.1 → 1.6.2 ------------------------- Bug fixes: - Explicitly make ``allow_credentials`` required in CORS policy. This was the default for Bool fields until and including zope.schema 6.0.1, but in 6.1.0 this changed. [maurits] (#104) plone.restapi: 6.15.0 → 7.0.0 ----------------------------- New features: - Mark restapi 7 with a zcml feature flag: ``plonerestapi-7`` [sneridagh] (#1068) - Add a couple of additional tests for resolveuid feature reassurance [sneridagh] (#1072) - Add ``root`` element to the @breadcrumbs endpoint [sneridagh] (#1064) - Add new @contextnavigation endpoint. [tiberiuichim] (#1042) - Refactor navigation endpoint, add new ``nav_title`` attribute [sneridagh] (#1047) - Add nav_title attribute to breadcrumbs endpoint [sneridagh] (#1049) - Unify nav_title and title in navs [sneridagh] (#1051) - Add serializer/deserializer for remoteUrl Link's field [cekk] (#1005) - Register blocks transformers also for Site Root [cekk] (#1043) - Add `sort` feature to resort all folder items [petschki] (#812) - Remove unneeded stringtype checks [erral] (#875) - Enable Plone 4 Control Panels: Add-ons, Dexterity Content Types [avoinea] (#984) - Enhance traceback with ``__traceback_info__`` on import to detect the field causing the problem. [jensens] (#1009) - Improved blocks transformers: now we can handle generic transformers [cekk] - Add generic block transformer for handle resolveuid in all blocks that have a *url* or *href* field [cekk] - Add "smart fields" concept: if block has a *searchableText* field, this will be indexed in Plone [cekk, tiberiuichim] (#952) - Replace internal links to files in blocks with a download url if the user has no edit permissions [csenger] (#930) - In block text indexing, query for IBlockSearchableText named adapters to allow extraction from any block type. This avoids hardcoding for the 'text' block type. [tiberiuichim] (#917) - Added ``IBlockFieldDeserializationTransformer`` and its counterpart, ``IBlockFieldSerializationTransformer`` concepts, use subscribers to convert/adjust value of blocks on serialization/deserialization, this enables an extensible mechanism to transform block values when saving content. Added an html block deserializer transformer, it will clean the content of the "html" block according to portal_transform x-html-safe settings. Added an image block deserializer transformer, it will use resolveuid mechanism to transform the url field to a UID of content. Move the resolveuid code from the dexterity field deserializer to a dedicated block converter adapter, using the above mechanism. [tiberiuichim] (#915) - Resolve links in blocks to UIDs during deserialization and back to paths during serialization. [buchi,timo,cekk] (#808) Bug fixes: - Avoid duplicate fields within DX RestAPI [avoinea] (#1073) - Remove ``escape``'d titles [sneridagh] (#1061) - Do not break if some custom code provides an alias for Products.Archetypes (#1004) - Handle missing review_state value in @navigation endpoint for items without a workflow [cekk] (#1060) - Fix transform object_browser href smartfield not working as expected [sneridagh] (#1058) - Fix href smart field in transformers do not cover the object_widget use case [sneridagh] (#1054) - Fix ``@id`` when content query has no ``fullbojects`` [sneridagh] (#837) - Fixed deprecation warnings for ``zope.site.hooks``, ``CMFPlone.interfaces.ILanguageSchema`` and ``plone.dexterity.utils.splitSchemaName``. [maurits] (#975) - Update tests to fix https://github.com/plone/plone.dexterity/pull/137 [@avoinea] (#1001) - Fix resolveuid blocks transforms [tisto, sneridagh] (#1006) - Fix type hint example in searching documentation. [jensens] (#1008) - Fixed compatibility with Zope 4.5.2 by making sure Location header is string. On Python 2 it could be unicode for the users and groups end points. Fixes `issue 1019 `_. [maurits] (#1019) - Check for Plone 5 in content-adding endpoint if plone.app.multilingual is installed [erral] (#1029) - Do not test if there is a `meta_type` index. It is unused ballast. [jensens] (#2024) - Fix tests with Products.MailHost 4.10. [maurits] (#3178) - Fixed compatibility with Zope 4.5.2 by making sure Location header is string. On Python 2 it could be unicode for the users and groups end points. Fixes `issue 1019 `_. [maurits] (#1019) - Re-release 7.0.0b8 as 7.0.0 final. [timo] plone.staticresources: 1.4.1 → 1.4.2 ------------------------------------ New features: - Upgrade to latest mockup from 3.x branch with structure fixes, 3.2.5. [thet] (#125) Bug fixes: - Remove bundle with typo. [petschki] (#123) - Include upgrade step 12, which was missing. [thet] (#123) - Replaced most upgrade profiles with one last_compilation profile. [maurits] (#126) Products.CMFCore: 2.4.8 → 2.5.0 ------------------------------- - Update configuration for version 5 of ``isort``. - Fix deprecation warnings occurring on Zope 5. - Added support for Python 3.9. Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow: 2.0.3 → 2.0.4 ------------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Removed unused mock request.SESSION from tests. [maurits] (#1) Products.CMFPlone: 5.2.3 → 5.2.4 -------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Release Plone 5.2.4 final. No changes compared to last release candidate. [maurits] (#3250) - Fixed tests in combination with Products.PluggableAuthService 2.6.0. [maurits] (#3251) - Bumped metadata version to 5211. [maurits] (#5211) Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool: 4.0.3 → 4.0.4 --------------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Require 'Manage portal' permission for accessing the tool or an installed product. For most methods this was already the case, but you could get some info from the objects themselves. [maurits] (#24) Products.GenericSetup: 2.0.3 → 2.1.1 ------------------------------------ - Enforce access control on setup tool log files and snapshot files and folders. (`#101 `_) - Add support for Python 3.9. Products.PlonePAS: 6.0.6 → 6.0.7 -------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fixes deprection message: `AccessControl.User has moved to AccessControl.users`. [jensens] (#59) Products.PluggableAuthService: 2.5 → 2.6.1 ------------------------------------------ - Fix remaining open redirect sources - Fix missing access control on ZODB Role Manager ``enumerateRoles`` - Fix open redirect issue in `Cookie Auth Helper` redirect handling - Add support for Python 3.9. - Fixed error assigning groups in ``manage_groups`` page in ZMI. (`#61 `_, `#84 `_) - Fix DeprecationWarnings occurring on Zope 5. z3c.autoinclude: 0.4.0 → 0.4.1 ------------------------------ Bug fixes: - zc.buildout is not an install dependency, only used in testing. collective.js.jqueryui: 2.1.6 → 2.1.8 ------------------------------------- plone.app.versioningbehavior: 1.4.1 → 1.4.2 ------------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Do not break if the portal_repository tool cannot be found (#53) Products.Archetypes: 1.16.3 → 1.16.4 ------------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Lifted the ceiling for the maximum date from end of 2020 to 2051 in all places. See `issue 133 `_. [maurits] (#133)