setuptools: 69.0.3 → 69.5.1 --------------------------- wheel: 0.42.0 → 0.43.0 ---------------------- diazo: 2.0.0 → 2.0.1 -------------------- Tests - Fix test in combination with lxml 5+ due to namespace changes. In this example, an xpath `/html/body/include` cannot be found because lxml 5 sees it as `/html/body/esi:include`, but this cannot easily be used as an xpath. [maurits] (#87) Plone: 6.0.10 → 6.0.11 ---------------------- - Release 6.0.11. [maurits] 3.0.4 → 3.0.5 --------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Support image_scales in RealContentListingObject. @davisagli (#64) 3.0.3 → 3.0.4 ------------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Check if "dropdown" is needed for menu items. [szakitibi] (#61) Internal: - Update configuration files. [plone devs] (6e36bcc4) 3.0.5 → 3.0.7 ------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix ILeadImageBehavior and IRichTextBehavior interfaces were the name change was forgotten. [thet] (#681) - Fix folder listing template when `plone.eventlocation` behavior is disabled for Events. [petschki] (#679) Internal: - Update configuration files. [plone devs] (6e36bcc4) 4.0.4 → 4.1.2 ----------------------------------- New features: - Provide HCaptcha if plone.formwidget.hcaptcha is installed. @ksuess (#230) Bug fixes: - Apply validation for all captchas. @ksuess (#234) - Fix test "Add a Comment to a Document and bulk delete it". @wesleybl (#226) Internal: - Add capture screen in robot tests to debug. @wesleybl (#235) - Fix robot test `Add a Comment to a Document and bulk delete it`. @wesleybl (#237) - Fix robot test `Add a Comment to a Document and bulk delete it` 2. @wesleybl (#238) - Fix robot test `Add a Comment to a Document and bulk delete it` 3. @wesleybl (#239) - Fix test "Add a Comment to a Document and bulk delete it". @wesleybl (#228) - Fix test "Add a Comment to a Document and bulk delete it" 2. @wesleybl (#227) 5.1.1 → 5.1.2 ------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Fix calculation of eventaccessor urls @1letter (#387) 4.0.8 → 4.1.0 ------------------------------- New features: - Add a field ``webstats_head_js`` to the Site controlpanel and render its contents in the head section using ``IHtmlHeadLinks`` viewlet manager. See `issue 3931 `_: some javascript needs to be loaded at the bottom of the page, and some in the head section. [jladage] (#3931) 6.0.20 → 6.0.21 ---------------------------------- - Update Brazilian Portuguese translations. [lyralemos] - Update Japanese translations. [terapyon] 7.0.3 → 7.0.4 ------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fixing disconnection of translations [gogobd] (#449) Internal: - Update configuration files. [plone devs] 3.0.4 → 3.0.5 -------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Import IPloneSiteRoot from plone.base. @davisagli (#53) Internal: - Update configuration files. [plone devs] (6e36bcc4) 5.0.7 → 5.0.8 -------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Traverse to theme resources from the navigation root again. Only when this gives an Unauthorized, try it on the portal as a fall back. This fixes other use cases of traversing to absolute urls in a theme. [maurits] (#236) 3.1.3 → 3.1.4 -------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Add upgrade step for enable TinyMCE Plugin accordion to v60 [1letter] (324-1) - Add upgrade step for enable TinyMCE Plugin accordion [1letter] (#324) - Add upgrade to add registry record ``webstats_head_js`` to ``ISiteSchema``. [maurits] (#3931) Internal: - Added upgrade to 6022, Plone 6.0.11. [maurits] (#6022) - Added upgrade to 6102, Plone 6.1.0a3. [maurits] (#6102) 3.0.4 → 3.0.6 ------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Fix #122 validating if image is supported by PIL showing a validation error if not. Include Pillow dependency in Fix ValueError: User could not be found in BaseTest setUp adding a transaction.commit(). [rber474] (#122) Internal: - Update configuration files. [plone devs] 4.3.0 → 4.3.2 -------------------------------- New features: - Use label_css_class attribute from widget if available in checkbox_input & radio_input [MrTango] (#201) - Add support for the "accept" attribute on file inputs. If the widget's field - if there is one - has the "accept" attribute set (the `NamedImage` field has `image/*` set by default) then this is rendered as an `accept` attribute on the file input. This would restrict the allowed file types before uploading while still being checked on the server side. Fixes: Depends on: - - [thet] (#198) plone.base: 1.2.1 → 1.4.0 ------------------------- New features: - enable Plugin 'accordion' for TinyMCE @1letter (#62) - Add a field ``webstats_head_js`` to the Site controlpanel and render its contents in the head section using ``IHtmlHeadLinks`` viewlet manager. See `issue 3931 `_: some javascript needs to be loaded at the bottom of the page, and some in the head section. [jladage] (#3931) - Make the TinyMCE help plugin available as an option [rber474] (#41) plone.dexterity: 3.0.5 → 3.0.6 ------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Fix tests to work with Zope master which expects requests to have an `ensure_publishable` method. [maurits] (#1202) plone.formwidget.namedfile: 3.0.3 → 3.1.0 ----------------------------------------- New features: - Add support for the "accept" attribute on file inputs. If the widget's field - if there is one - has the "accept" attribute set (the `NamedImage` field has `image/*` set by default) then this is rendered as an `accept` attribute on the file input. This would restrict the allowed file types before uploading while still being checked on the server side. Fixes: Depends on: [thet] (#67) plone.namedfile: 6.2.3 → 6.3.0 ------------------------------ New features: - Improve contenttype detection logic for unregistered but common types. Change get_contenttype to support common types which are or were not registered with IANA, like image/webp or audio/midi. Note: image/webp is already a IANA registered type and also added by Products.MimetypesRegistry. [thet] (157-2) - Support for allowed media types. Support to constrain files to specific media types with a "accept" attribute on file and image fields, just like the "accept" attribute of the HTML file input. Fixes: #157 [thet] (#157) plone.recipe.zope2instance: 6.12.2 → 6.13.0 ------------------------------------------- New features: - Add support for setting max_value_length in Sentry init. When you use this option, you should use `sentry-sdk` 1.29.0 or higher. [gyst] (#193) Tests - Update tox to support python 3.10 and 3.11. (#193) plone.resource: 3.0.1 → 3.0.2 ----------------------------- Bug fixes: - Import IPloneSiteRoot from plone.base. @davisagli (#45) plone.restapi: 9.5.0 → 9.6.1 ---------------------------- New features: - Add available languages information to the @site endpoint. @erral (#1738) - Add the site timezone to the @site endpoint return result. @folix-01 (#1749) Bug fixes: - Fixed password reset issue by replacing `username` with `target_user` to correctly authenticate using email. @Hrittik20 (#943) - In Plone 6, uses ``plone.textindexer`` to add block texts to the SearchableText index, instead of ``plone.indexer``. This ensures that behaviors can add fields to SearchableText with ``plone.textindexer``. @wesleybl (#1744) - Use the ``mode`` parameter instead of ``direction`` when calling the ``scale`` method. Also change value to ``scale``. @wesleybl (#1758) - image_scales in serializer are returned as json_compatible format. @cekk (#1772) Internal: - Test to ensure that the scale hash of an image is the same as the hash of the image block with this image. @sneridagh (#1716) - Bump all the versions in GitHub workflows. @stevepiercy (#1762) - Use last version of Python 3.12 in tests. has been fixed. @wesleybl (#1740) plone.scale: 4.1.1 → 4.1.2 -------------------------- Bug fixes: - If width and height are given, ignore the scale parameter when determining the unique id of a scale. @wesleybl (#92) plone.staticresources: 2.1.13 → 2.1.14 -------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Update JS dependencies [petschki] (#0) Internal: - Update configuration files. [plone devs] plone.volto: 4.3.0 → 4.4.0 -------------------------- New features: - Import ILanguageSchema from plone.i18n.interfaces instead of Products.CMFPlone.interfaces.controlpanel. @ksuess profile "plone.volto:multilingual": Add language german. @ksuess (#144) Bug fixes: - Avoid a deprecated import warnings in Plone 6. @davisagli (#147) plonetheme.barceloneta: 3.1.8 → 3.1.9 ------------------------------------- Internal: - Update configuration files @plone Products.CMFPlone: 6.0.10 → 6.0.11 ---------------------------------- New features: - Extends `SMTPMailer.__init__` patch to allow to use other arguments. [mamico] #3941 Bug fixes: - Cleanup `viewlets.xml` to not mention viewlets that no longer exist. [maurits] #3911 - When indexing for `getIcon`, check that the returned `image` is an instance of `plone.namedfile.interfaces.IImage` [frapell] #3916 Internal: - Fix test Scenario: Select All items. @wesleybl #3930 - Updated metadata version to 6022. [maurits] #6022 Products.PortalTransforms: 4.0.2 → 4.0.3 ---------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Use ``Cleaner`` from new package ``lxml_html_clean``. This was factored out from ``lxml`` in version 5.2.0. See [maurits] (#3938) collective.MockMailHost: 2.0.0 → 3.0.0 -------------------------------------- icalendar: 5.0.11 → 5.0.12 -------------------------- Breaking changes: - ... New features: - ... Bug fixes: - ... - Fixed index error in when attempting to pop from an empty stack - Fixed type error in when attempting to join strings into a byte-string - Caught Wrong Date Format in ical_fuzzer to resolve fuzzing coverage blocker - Analyse code coverage of test files - Added corpus to fuzzing directory - Added exclusion of fuzzing corpus in - Augmented fuzzer to optionally convert multiple calendars from a source string - Add script to convert OSS FUZZ test cases to Python/pytest test cases - Added additional exception handling of defined errors to fuzzer, to allow fuzzer to explore deeper - Added more instrumentation to fuzz-harness - Rename "contributor" to "collaborator" in documentation - Correct the outdated "icalendar view myfile.ics" command in documentation. #588 - Update GitHub Actions steps versions - Keep GitHub Actions up to date with GitHub's Dependabot Products.CMFCore: 3.3 → 3.5 --------------------------- - Use the new ``resources`` keyword of ``registerClass`` if available. This avoids a deprecation warning for using a non callable constructor in Zope higher than 5.9. (`#1202 `_) - Add i18n translation support. (`#135 `_) zope.sendmail: 6.1 → 6.2 ------------------------ cryptography: 42.0.2 → 42.0.5 ----------------------------- lxml: 4.9.4 → 5.2.1 ------------------- pyOpenSSL: 24.0.0 → 24.1.0 -------------------------- sniffio: 1.3.0 → 1.3.1 ----------------------