Zope: 5.6 → 5.7 --------------- See the `Zope changelog `_. pip: 22.1.2 → 22.3.1 -------------------- setuptools: 65.4.1 → 65.5.1 --------------------------- wheel: 0.37.1 → 0.38.4 ---------------------- zc.buildout: 3.0.0rc3 → 3.0.1 ----------------------------- borg.localrole: 3.1.8 → 3.1.9 ----------------------------- Bug fixes: - Add PEP 508 style requirements to not depend on Zope2 in Python 3. [jensens] (#12) diazo: 1.4.2 → 1.5.0 -------------------- New features: - Remove dependency on `future` package. [petschki] (#85) Plone: 6.0.0b3 → 6.0.0rc1 ------------------------- Bug fixes: - Release 6.0.0rc1. [maurits] plone.api: 2.0.0b3 → 2.0.0b4 ---------------------------- Bug fixes: - Trigger a new deploy of core Plone documentation when plone.api documentation is updated. [esteele] (#496) plone.app.content: 4.0.0b2 → 4.0.1 ---------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Redirect to ``/view`` after publishing File or Image when they have a workflow. [maurits] (#3676) - Fix cancel button on @@select_default_view [sverbois] (#256) plone.app.contentmenu: 3.0.0b2 → 3.0.0b3 ---------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix Display menu in toolbar doesn't show the current selected item and it's selected template correctly https://github.com/plone/plone.app.layout/issues/321 [mamico] (#44) plone.app.locales: 6.0.7 → 6.0.8 -------------------------------- - Update italian translations. [pnicolly, ale-rt, yury] - Update german translations. [DravenTheRaven, davisable, pbauer, jensens] - Update links. [Arhell] plone.app.relationfield: 3.0.0b1 → 3.0.0b2 ------------------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Fix admin password in tests. [davisagli] (#35) plone.app.testing: 7.0.0b1 → 7.0.0b2 ------------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Restore the previously used admin password for tests ("secret") [davisagli] (#79) plone.app.theming: 5.0.0b1 → 5.0.0b2 ------------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Fix for `tinymce-styles-css` when copying theme. [petschki] (#214) plone.app.upgrade: 3.0.0b5 → 3.0.0rc1 ------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Added upgrade to 6009, Plone 6.0.0rc1. (#6009) plone.app.uuid: 2.2.0 → 2.2.1 ----------------------------- Bug fixes: - Process the catalog queue before looking up in the catalog [ale-rt] (#15) plone.browserlayer: 2.2.4 → 3.0.0 --------------------------------- Breaking changes: - Drop support for Plone 5 and Python 2. [maurits] (#600) Bug fixes: - Fix 'KeyError: file' in browser tests on Python 3.11. [maurits] (#3663) plone.memoize: 2.1.1 → 3.0.0 ---------------------------- Breaking changes: - Drop support for Python 3.5 and 3.6. Add support for Python 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11. [davisagli] (#27) plone.restapi: 8.30.0 → 8.32.2 ------------------------------ New features: - Add @upgrade endpoint to preview or run an upgrade of a Plone instance [ericof] (#1525) - Added @rules endpoint with GET/POST/DELETE/PATCH [valipod] (#1397) - Add link integrity support for slate blocks [sneridagh] (#1522) Bug fixes: - Fix AttributeError for ``REQUEST`` in linkintegrity when pasting nested content. [maurits] (#1536) - Fix time to be returned with a timezone specifier in history endpoint [reebalazs] (#1530) - Added url field to Actions (#817) - Update statictime tests following changes to p.a.disucssion (see https://github.com/plone/plone.app.discussion/pull/204) - [instification] (#1520) - Update @portrait endpoint to use sanitized user id [instification] (#1524) - Merge glossary terms into main plone/documentation. [stevepiercy] (#1508) - Fix linkintegrity documentation, add missing a response file, and use MyST syntax. [stevepiercy] (#1509) - Add Matomo Analytics, Remove Google Analytics. [stevepiercy] (#1518) - Trigger a new deploy core Plone documentation when Volto documentation is updated [esteele] (#1519) plone.scale: 4.0.0b4 → 4.0.0b5 ------------------------------ New features: - Add support for animated GIFs @reebalazs (#69) plone.staticresources: 2.0.0b8 → 2.0.1 -------------------------------------- New features: - Upgrade Mockup to 5.0.0-alpha.26. [thet] (#251) Bug fixes: - Fix missing upgrade step. [petschki] (#0) - Update mockup -> ``5.0.0-alpha.27``, Bootstrap Icons -> ``1.10.0`` [petschki] (#254) - Update mockup -> ``5.0.0-beta.2`` [petschki] (#255) Products.CMFPlone: 6.0.0b3 → 6.0.0rc1 ------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Don't create news, events, and users folders for Volto sites. [davisagli] (#3628) - Fix password used in a test. [davisagli] (#3653) - Bootstrap fix for numbering `.list-group-numbered`. See suggestions here https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/37345 [petschki] (#3661) - Fix 'KeyError: file' in browser tests on Python 3.11. [maurits] (#3663) - Updated metadata version to 6009. [maurits] (#6009) Products.PlonePAS: 7.0.0b2 → 7.0.0b3 ------------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Fix admin password used in tests. [davisagli] (#70) Products.PortalTransforms: 3.2.0 → 3.2.1 ---------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fixed regular expression in tests on Python 3.11. [maurits] (#48) - Tests: fixed incompatibility with lxml 3.9+ on Linux. This gives slightly different output. [maurits] (#818) icalendar: 5.0.0a1 → 5.0.2 -------------------------- Breaking changes: - Require Python 3.7 as minimum Python version. [maurits] [niccokunzmann] - icalendar now takes a ics file directly as an input - icalendar's CLI utility program's output is different - Drop Support for Python 3.6. Versions 3.7 - 3.11 are supported and tested. New features: - source code in documentation is tested using doctest #445 [niccokunzmann] - icalendar utility outputs a 'Duration' row - icalendar can take multiple ics files as an input Bug fixes: - broken properties are not added to the parent component Ref: #471 Fixes: #464 [jacadzaca] - a well-known timezone timezone prefixed with a `/` is treated as if the slash wasn't present Ref: #467 Fixes: #466 [jacadzaca] - Changed tools.UIDGenerator instance methods to static methods Ref: #345 [spralja] - proper handling of datetime objects with `tzinfo` generated through zoneinfo.ZoneInfo. Ref: #334 Fixes: #333 [tobixen] - Timestamps in UTC does not need tzid Ref: #338 Fixes: #335 [tobixen] - add ``__eq__`` to ``icalendar.prop.vDDDTypes`` #391 [jacadzaca] - Refactor deprecated unittest aliases for Python 3.11 compatibility #330 [tirkarthi] - Refactored cal.py, tools.py and completed remaining minimal refactoring in parser.py. Ref: #481 [pronoym99] - Calendar.from_ical no longer throws long errors Ref: #473 Fixes: #472 [jacadzaca] - Make datetime value shorter by removing the value parameter where possible. Fixes: #318 [jacadzaca], [niccokunzmann] - fixed setuptools deprecation warnings [mgorny] - removed deprecated test checks [tuergeist] - Fix: cli does not support DURATION #354 [mamico] - Add changelog and contributing to readthedocs documentation #428 [peleccom] - fixed small typos #323 [rohnsha0] - unittest to parametrized pytest refactoring [jacadzaca] Products.PluggableAuthService: 2.7.0 → 2.7.1 -------------------------------------------- - Set the Cookie Auth Helper cookies with ``SameSite`` set to ``Lax`` by default and allow admins to change the setting as well as the secure flag from the Properties tab in the ZMI. The ``SameSite`` cookie flag is not currently set, which causes modern browsers to show warnings at the console. Such cookies may be rejected in the future and break the Cookie Auth Helper. See https://hacks.mozilla.org/2020/08/changes-to-samesite-cookie-behavior/ for information about the ``SameSite`` cookie attribute and why its handling in browsers is changing. Products.Sessions: 4.13 → 4.14 ------------------------------ zope.app.locales: 4.2 → 4.3 --------------------------- attrs: 21.4.0 → 22.1.0 ---------------------- cssselect: 1.1.0 → 1.2.0 ------------------------ h11: 0.13.0 → 0.14.0 -------------------- importlib-metadata: 4.12.0 → 5.0.0 ---------------------------------- importlib-resources: 5.8.1 → 5.10.0 ----------------------------------- jsonschema: 4.7.2 → 4.17.0 -------------------------- lxml: 4.8.0 → 4.9.1 ------------------- Pillow: 9.2.0 → 9.3.0 --------------------- PyJWT: 2.4.0 → 2.6.0 -------------------- pyOpenSSL: 22.0.0 → 22.1.0 -------------------------- pyrsistent: 0.18.1 → 0.19.2 --------------------------- responses: 0.21.0 → 0.22.0 -------------------------- robotframework: 5.0.1 → 6.0.1 ----------------------------- robotframework-pythonlibcore: 3.0.0 → 4.0.0 ------------------------------------------- selenium: 4.3.0 → 4.6.0 ----------------------- simplejson: 3.17.6 → 3.18.0 --------------------------- sniffio: 1.2.0 → 1.3.0 ---------------------- trio: 0.21.0 → 0.22.0 --------------------- typing-extensions: 4.3.0 → 4.4.0 -------------------------------- Unidecode: 1.3.4 → 1.3.6 ------------------------ wsproto: 1.1.0 → 1.2.0 ---------------------- zipp: 3.8.1 → 3.10.0 --------------------