[buildout] # This file is part of buildout.coredev repository: https://github.com/plone/buildout.coredev # The Plone Release Team is responsible for it, with help from lots of core Plone developers. # If you have suggestions, please open an issue at: https://github.com/plone/buildout.coredev/issues # Note: version pins in this file should only be removed in a new minor version of Plone. # Based on latest development Zope: # extends = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zopefoundation/Zope/master/versions.cfg # Based on released Zope: extends = https://zopefoundation.github.io/Zope/releases/5.10/versions.cfg [versions] # Basics # !! keep in sync with requirements.txt !! pip = 24.0 setuptools = 69.5.1 wheel = 0.43.0 zc.buildout = 3.0.1 # windows specific nt-svcutils = 2.13.0 # OVERRIDES # CORE PLONE. # These packages are what you get when installing Plone plus test dependencies, # and are managed by the Plone community, not by Zope or others. borg.localrole = 3.1.11 diazo = 2.0.2 five.intid = 2.0.0 Plone = 6.0.12 plone.alterego = 2.0.1 plone.api = 2.2.2 plone.app.caching = 3.1.5 plone.app.content = 4.1.5 plone.app.contentlisting = 3.0.5 plone.app.contentmenu = 3.0.5 plone.app.contentrules = 5.0.4 plone.app.contenttypes = 3.0.8 plone.app.customerize = 2.0.1 plone.app.dexterity = 3.2.0 plone.app.discussion = 4.1.2 plone.app.event = 5.1.5 plone.app.i18n = 4.0.1 plone.app.intid = 2.0.0 plone.app.iterate = 5.0.5 plone.app.layout = 4.1.1 plone.app.linkintegrity = 4.0.6 plone.app.locales = 6.0.23 plone.app.lockingbehavior = 2.0.1 plone.app.multilingual = 7.0.4 plone.app.portlets = 5.0.7 plone.app.querystring = 2.1.2 plone.app.redirector = 3.0.3 plone.app.registry = 2.0.5 plone.app.relationfield = 3.0.5 plone.app.robotframework = 2.1.3 plone.app.testing = 7.1.0 plone.app.textfield = 2.0.1 plone.app.theming = 5.0.9 plone.app.upgrade = 3.1.5 plone.app.users = 3.0.7 plone.app.uuid = 2.2.3 plone.app.versioningbehavior = 2.0.3 plone.app.viewletmanager = 4.0.3 plone.app.vocabularies = 5.0.5 plone.app.widgets = 5.0.0 plone.app.workflow = 5.0.3 plone.app.z3cform = 4.3.2 plone.autoform = 2.0.2 plone.autoinclude = 1.0.1 plone.base = 1.4.0 plone.batching = 2.0.6 plone.behavior = 2.0.1 plone.browserlayer = 3.0.2 plone.cachepurging = 3.0.2 plone.caching = 2.0.1 plone.contentrules = 3.0.1 plone.dexterity = 3.0.6 plone.event = 2.0.2 plone.folder = 4.0.1 plone.formwidget.namedfile = 3.1.0 plone.formwidget.recurrence = 3.0.4 plone.i18n = 5.0.2 plone.indexer = 2.0.1 plone.intelligenttext = 4.0.1 plone.keyring = 4.0.1 plone.locking = 3.0.1 plone.memoize = 3.0.2 plone.namedfile = 6.3.1 plone.outputfilters = 5.0.4 plone.portlet.collection = 4.0.3 plone.portlet.static = 4.0.2 plone.portlets = 3.0.1 plone.protect = 5.0.1 plone.recipe.zope2instance = 7.0.0 plone.registry = 2.0.1 plone.resource = 3.0.2 plone.resourceeditor = 4.0.1 plone.rest = 4.1.3 plone.restapi = 9.7.1 plone.rfc822 = 3.0.1 plone.scale = 4.1.3 plone.schema = 2.0.1 plone.schemaeditor = 4.0.5 plone.session = 4.0.4 plone.staticresources = 2.1.14 plone.stringinterp = 2.0.2 plone.subrequest = 2.0.5 plone.supermodel = 2.0.4 plone.testing = 9.0.2 plone.theme = 4.0.1 plone.tiles = 2.3.1 plone.transformchain = 3.0.1 plone.uuid = 2.0.1 plone.volto = 4.4.3 plone.z3cform = 2.0.3 plonetheme.barceloneta = 3.1.9 Products.CMFDiffTool = 4.0.4 Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI = 7.0.2 Products.CMFEditions = 4.0.3 Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow = 3.0.4 Products.CMFPlone = 6.0.12 Products.ExtendedPathIndex = 4.0.1 Products.isurlinportal = 2.0.2 Products.MimetypesRegistry = 3.0.1 Products.PlonePAS = 8.0.4 Products.PortalTransforms = 4.0.3 Products.statusmessages = 5.0.6 Products.validation = 2.1.3 # CORE DEPENDENCIES: COLLECTIVE. # These packages are what you get when installing Plone plus test dependencies, # and are managed by the Collective (https://github.com/collective). collective.MockMailHost = 3.0.0 collective.monkeypatcher = 1.2.1 collective.recipe.omelette = 1.1.0 collective.recipe.vscode = 0.1.9 collective.xmltestreport = 2.0.2 icalendar = 5.0.12 Products.DateRecurringIndex = 3.0.1 robotsuite = 2.3.2 # CORE DEPENDENCIES: Zope and friends # These packages are what you get when installing Plone, # and are managed by the Zope/ZODB/z3c/repoze communities, # which are close to Plone. five.customerize = 3.0.0 Products.CMFCore = 3.5 Products.CMFUid = 4.2 Products.DCWorkflow = 3.0 Products.ExternalMethod = 5.0 Products.GenericSetup = 3.0.2 Products.MailHost = 5.2 Products.PluggableAuthService = 3.0 Products.PluginRegistry = 2.0 Products.PythonScripts = 5.0 Products.Sessions = 5.0 Products.SiteErrorLog = 6.0 Products.StandardCacheManagers = 5.0 Products.ZopeVersionControl = 4.1 repoze.xmliter = 1.0b1 z3c.caching = 3.0 z3c.form = 4.3 z3c.formwidget.query = 2.0.0 z3c.objpath = 2.0 z3c.relationfield = 1.0 z3c.zcmlhook = 2.0 zc.relation = 2.0 zdaemon = 5.0 ZEO = 6.0.0 ZODB3 = 3.11.0 zodbupdate = 2.0 zope.app.locales = 5.0 zope.componentvocabulary = 2.3.0 zope.copy = 4.3 zope.intid = 5.0 zope.keyreference = 6.0 zope.ramcache = 3.0 zope.sendmail = 6.2 # CORE DEPENDENCIES: other # These packages are what you get when installing Plone and its tests, # but are NOT managed by closely related communities. async-generator = 1.10 attrs = 23.2.0 backports.cached-property = 1.0.2 cryptography = 42.0.5 click = 8.1.7 cssselect = 1.2.0 decorator = 5.1.1 exceptiongroup = 1.2.0 feedparser = 6.0.11 furl = 2.1.3 future = 0.18.3 gunicorn = 21.2.0 h11 = 0.14.0 importlib-resources = 5.13.0 jsonschema = 4.21.1 jsonschema-specifications = 2023.12.1 jeepney = 0.8.0 lxml = 5.2.1 lxml-html-clean = 0.1.1 manuel = 1.12.4 Markdown = 3.5.2 mock = 5.1.0 orderedmultidict = 1.0.1 outcome = 1.3.0post0 overrides = 7.7.0 piexif = 1.1.3 Pillow = 9.5.0 prompt-toolkit = 2.0.10 py = 1.11.0 PyJWT = 2.8.0 pyOpenSSL = 24.1.0 pyrsistent = 0.20.0 PySocks = 1.7.1 python-dateutil = 2.8.2 python-dotenv = 1.0.1 PyYAML = 6.0.1 referencing = 0.33.0 responses = 0.24.1 robotframework = 6.0.2 # robotframework >= 6.1 is only supported with robotframwork-lsp >= 1.11.0, # but https://github.com/robocorp/robotframework-lsp/issues/947 robotframework-lsp = 1.10.1 robotframework-assertion-engine = 2.0.0 robotframework-browser = 17.5.2 robotframework-debuglibrary = 2.3.0 robotframework-pythonlibcore = 4.2.0 robotframework-selenium2library = 3.0.0 robotframework-selenium2screenshots = 0.8.1 robotframework-seleniumlibrary = 6.1.3 robotframework-seleniumtestability = 2.1.0 rpds-py = 0.13.2 SecretStorage = 3.3.3 selenium = 4.9.1 sgmllib3k = 1.0.0 simplejson = 3.19.2 sniffio = 1.3.1 sortedcontainers = 2.4.0 toml = 0.10.2 trio = 0.24.0 trio-websocket = 0.11.1 types-PyYAML = types-toml = typing-extensions = 4.9.0 Unidecode = 1.3.8 urllib3-secure-extra = 0.1.0 watchdog = 3.0.0 wcwidth = 0.2.13 webresource = 1.2 wrapt = 1.16.0 wsproto = 1.2.0 [versions:python38] backports.zoneinfo = 0.2.1 pkgutil-resolve-name = 1.3.10 [versionannotations] # keep this alphabetical please prompt-toolkit = Requirement of robotframework-debuglibrary: prompt-toolkit<3,>=2 selenium = robotframework-seleniumlibrary 6.1.0 is incompatible with 4.10.0. See https://github.com/robotframework/SeleniumLibrary/issues/1835