Zope: 5.8.6 → 5.9 ----------------- - Support form data in ``PUT`` requests (following the ``multipart`` example). Fixes `#1182 `_. - Separate ZODB connection information into new ZODB Connections view. - Move the cache detail links to the individual database pages. - Fix the auto refresh functionality on the Reference Count page - Update the Ace editor in the ZMI. - Restrict access to static ZMI resources. - Update to newest compatible versions of dependencies. - Add ``paste.filter_app_factory`` entry point ``content_length``. This WSGI middleware component can be used with WSGI servers which do not follow the PEP 3333 recommendation regarding input handling for requests with ``Content-Length`` header. Allows administrators to fix `#1171 `_. - Officially support Python 3.12. setuptools: 68.2.2 → 69.0.2 --------------------------- wheel: 0.41.2 → 0.42.0 ---------------------- Plone: 6.0.8 → 6.0.9 -------------------- - Release 6.0.9. [maurits] plone.api: 2.0.6 → 2.0.8 ------------------------ Bug fixes: - Fix `api.portal.translate` usage with country-specific language codes [@ericof] (#524) Documentation: - Use the preferred `git switch -c` command. See https://www.infoq.com/news/2019/08/git-2-23-switch-restore/. @stevepiercy (#520) plone.app.locales: 6.0.17 → 6.0.18 ---------------------------------- - Complete es translation [erral] - Complete eu translation [erral] - Resync po files [erral] - Add Weblate configuration [erral] plone.app.querystring: 2.1.0 → 2.1.1 ------------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Handle parenthesis inside quotes [erral] (#139) plone.app.registry: 2.0.3 → 2.0.4 --------------------------------- Bug fixes: - disable visibility of the right column in records template [1letter] (#71) - Fix template error deleting registry record. [maurits] (#76) plone.app.theming: 5.0.5 → 5.0.6 -------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix AttributeError in ``custom.css``: "module 'wsgiref' has no attribute 'handlers'". [maurits] (#230) plone.app.upgrade: 3.1.0 → 3.1.1 -------------------------------- Internal: - Added upgrade to 6020, Plone 6.0.9. [maurits] (#6020) plone.contentrules: 3.0.0 → 3.0.1 --------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Replace deprecated zope.container imports with their canonical locations. [maurits] (#1) Internal: - Update configuration files. [plone devs] (cfffba8c) plone.restapi: 9.1.2 → 9.2.1 ---------------------------- New features: - Added preview_image and preview_image_link to the list of smart fields for resolveuid and link integrity. @sneridagh (#1735) Bug fixes: - Remove wrong `preview_image_link` addition from blocks (de)serializers. @sneridagh (#1737) Internal: - Does not test Python 3.7. @wesleybl (#1732) - Use plone.recipe.precompiler to generate mo files to test. @wesleybl (#1733) plone.staticresources: 2.1.8 → 2.1.9 ------------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Maintenance upgrade: mockup 5.1.7, Bootstrap Icons 1.11.2 [petschki] (#314) plone.testing: 9.0.0 → 9.0.1 ---------------------------- Bug fixes: - Remove incorrect hard dependency on five.localsitemanager. @davisagli (#86) plone.volto: 4.1.0 → 4.2.0 -------------------------- New features: - Add pt_BR translations. @wesleybl (#133) - Add `preview_image_link` behavior to the Example content type for testing @sneridagh (#136) Bug fixes: - Add guard for template used in the Volto installed status message that is Plone 6 only @sneridagh (#135) plone.z3cform: 2.0.2 → 2.0.3 ---------------------------- Bug fixes: - Replace deprecated ``cgi.FieldStorage`` class with a simple one. This is only used for converting a ``ZPublisher`` ``FileUpload`` to a ``zope.publisher`` one. [maurits] (#1) plonetheme.barceloneta: 3.1.6 → 3.1.7 ------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Upgrade dependencies. [petschki] #355 Products.CMFPlone: 6.0.8 → 6.0.9 -------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Update `@@test-rendering-cheatsheet` to Bootstrap 5.3 features including color mode switcher. [petschki] #3870 - Corrected the name in a button and help text to "Classic UI" when creating a Plone site. @1letter #3873 - Correct the behavior interface for lead image in the syndication adapter. [thet] #3877 - Change adapts to @adapter decorator. [thet] #3878 - Handle catalog queries with parenthesis inside quotes [erral] #3879 Internal: - Updated metadata version to 6020. [maurits] #6020 icalendar: 5.0.10 → 5.0.11 -------------------------- New features: - Added fuzzing harnesses, for integration to OSSFuzz. - icalendar releases are deployed to Github releases Fixes: #563 [jacadzaca] Bug fixes: - CATEGORIES field now accepts a string as argument Ref: #322 [jacadzaca] - Multivalue FREEBUSY property is now parsed properly Ref: #27 [jacadzaca] - Compare equality and inequality of calendars more completely Ref: #570 - Use non legacy timezone name. Ref: #567 - Add some compare functions. Ref: #568 - Change OSS Fuzz build script to point to harnesses in fuzzing directory Ref: #574 - The cli utility now displays start and end datetimes in the user's local timezone. Ref: #561 [vimpostor] Products.Sessions: 4.15 → 5.0 ----------------------------- Products.ZopeVersionControl: 4.0 → 4.1 -------------------------------------- - Add support for Python 3.12 and ZODB 6. ZEO: 5.4.1 → 6.0.0 ------------------ cryptography: 41.0.5 → 41.0.7 ----------------------------- exceptiongroup: 1.1.3 → 1.2.0 ----------------------------- gunicorn: 20.1.0 → 21.2.0 ------------------------- jsonschema: 4.18.6 → 4.20.0 --------------------------- jsonschema-specifications: 2023.7.1 → 2023.11.2 ----------------------------------------------- Markdown: 3.4.4 → 3.5.1 ----------------------- outcome: 1.2.0 → 1.3.0post0 --------------------------- overrides: 7.3.1 → 7.4.0 ------------------------ PyJWT: 2.7.0 → 2.8.0 -------------------- pyOpenSSL: 23.2.0 → 23.3.0 -------------------------- pyrsistent: 0.19.3 → 0.20.0 --------------------------- referencing: 0.29.3 → 0.31.1 ---------------------------- responses: 0.23.3 → 0.24.1 -------------------------- robotframework-seleniumlibrary: 6.1.0 → 6.1.3 --------------------------------------------- rpds-py: 0.8.12 → 0.13.2 ------------------------ trio: 0.22.2 → 0.23.1 --------------------- trio-websocket: 0.10.4 → 0.11.1 ------------------------------- typing-extensions: 4.7.1 → 4.8.0 -------------------------------- wcwidth: 0.2.8 → 0.2.12 ----------------------- wrapt: 1.15.0 → 1.16.0 ----------------------