diazo: 1.5.0 → 2.0.0 -------------------- Breaking changes: - Drop support for Pythons that are end of life. Support Python 3.8-3.12. [maurits] (#23) Internal: - Update configuration files. [plone devs] (5d3e918e) Plone: 6.1.0a1 → 6.1.0a2 ------------------------ - Release 6.1.0a2. [maurits] plone.api: 2.0.8 → 2.1.0 ------------------------ New features: - Implemented unrestricted find of content types. @gogobd (#312) Internal: - Enhanced Makefile paths to address whitespace compatibility issues. @Vivek-04022001 (#530) - Improved efficiency of view retrieval by deferring availability checks to error handling. @samriddhi99 (#479) plone.app.caching: 3.1.3 → 3.1.4 -------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix purging of image scale paths for Dexterity content. [erral] #136 Internal: - Update configuration files. [plone devs] cfffba8c plone.app.content: 4.1.1 → 4.1.2 -------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix escaping HTML in ``tags`` popover. [petschki] (#278) - Fix html escaped entities in vocabulary items. [petschki] (#3874) Internal: - Fix errors reported by pre-commit. [maurits] (#3874) plone.app.discussion: 4.0.2 → 4.0.4 ----------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Report the upgrade steps progress, really useful for sites with lots of comments. [gforcada] - Do not autofocus on the comments form. [maurits] (#3623) plone.app.iterate: 5.0.3 → 5.0.5 -------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Hide the `to1000` from the advanced view to create a new plone Site [gforcada] (#121) - Adapt viewlet styles to Plone 6 [pbauer] (#95) - Fix handling of relation-fields for working copies of folderish content. [pbauer] (#118) - Use the package-permissions to protect views and toolbar-actions. [pbauer] (#120) plone.app.locales: 6.0.19 → 6.0.20 ---------------------------------- - Fixes in eu, nl, es, ar translations [various] plone.app.multilingual: 8.0.3 → 8.1.1 ------------------------------------- New features: - Implement a more reasonable default for "connect translations" dialog. [gogobd] (#445) Bug fixes: - Add missing translate icon for the menu. [szakitibi] (#447) plone.app.robotframework: 2.1.1 → 2.1.2 --------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix duplicate installation of plone.app.contenttypes:default profile. @davisagli (#154) - Fix printing the server URL when robot-server is run without reloading enabled. @davisagli (#155) plone.app.upgrade: 3.1.2 → 3.1.3 -------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Update TinyMCE format icon names. [petschki, maurits] (#3095) - Added upgrade to 6101, Plone 6.1.0a2. [maurits] (#6101) plone.app.z3cform: 4.4.0 → 4.4.1 -------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Add missing ``pattern_options`` multiadapter to new PatternFormElement base class. [petschki] (#190) - Implement missing PasswordWidget adapter. [petschki] (#193) plone.base: 1.2.0 → 1.2.1 ------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix TinyMCE format icon names. [petschki] (#3905) Internal: - Update configuration files. [plone devs] (6e36bcc4) plone.dexterity: 3.0.4 → 3.0.5 ------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Fix a traversal error that happens when traversing a WebDAV resource and the virtual host monster is used. [ale-rt] (#195) plone.restapi: 9.4.0 → 9.5.0 ---------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fixed the permission check for adding users to groups and removing users from groups, so that it is allowed for users with the Site Administrator role. @wesleybl (#1750) - Enhanced Makefile paths to address whitespace compatibility issues. @Vivek-04022001 (#1753) - Fixed `allow_discussion` serialization for the Plone Site, to return a boolean like other content types. @Akshat2Jain (#1674) - Fixed an edge case in the blocks resolveuid transforms with a trailing slash before a fragment. @sneridagh (#1748) - Fixed the logic for converting public URLs to and from internal UID-based URLs. Now if the URL includes a fragment, it is preserved. @sneridagh (#1746) Internal: - Remove debug-exceptions = on from the buildout instance section. @wesleybl (#1734) plone.scale: 4.1.0 → 4.1.1 -------------------------- Bug fixes: - Fix incompatibility with Pillow 10.1+. Instead of setting ``image.mode``, we call ``image.convert``. This works in Pillow 9 and 10. [maurits] (#89) plone.staticresources: 2.2.0a4 → 2.2.0a5 ---------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Update `mockup=5.2.0-alpha.4` [petschki] (#323) plone.volto: 4.2.1 → 4.3.0 -------------------------- New features: - Add `VOLTO_FRONTEND_DOMAIN` as env var for `volto.frontend_domain` registry setting [@sneridagh] (#139) Products.CMFDiffTool: 2.0.7.dev0 → 4.0.3 ---------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - Make sure diff still renders when a relationlist has broken relations [pbauer] (#54) - Rerelease 2.0.7 as 4.0.2. There was a double version number. [maurits] (#402) Internal: - Update configuration files. [plone devs] (cfffba8c) Products.CMFPlone: 6.1.0a1 → 6.1.0a2 ------------------------------------ Bug fixes: - Remove volatile cached resource viewlet content to fix context aware expressions. [petschki] #3789 - Adapt tests after plone.app.iterate permissions use rolemap.xml See https://github.com/plone/plone.app.iterate/pull/120 [pbauer] #3907 - Updated metadata version to 6101. [maurits] #6101 Internal: - Fix robot test "When page is linked show warning". @wesleybl #3902 repoze.xmliter: 0.6.1 → 1.0b1 ----------------------------- - Fix serialization of a tree to bytes `PR `_. [maurits] - Removed unused ``future`` dependency. Fixes `issue 10 `_. [maurits] - Drop support for Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6. [tseaver, mborch] - Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11. [tseaver, mborch] Pillow: 9.5.0 → 10.2.0 ----------------------